Versions Compared


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Many VERA configurations can be overridden using environment variables.  The following tables summarize the environment variables recognized by the VERA Server and the VERA Web Portal.

VERA Server Environment Variables

VariableDescriptionDefault Value

The password of the PFX file used to support HTTPS/SSL communications on the VERA Server.

Note: This variable is not needed when HTTPS/SSL is not used. When it is used, this variable must be used with the ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path variable.


The name of the PFX file used to support HTTPS/SSL communications on the VERA Server. This value must be a fully qualified path to the certificate file.

Note: This variable is not needed when HTTPS/SSL is not used. When it is used, this variable must be used with the ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password variable.


The URLs (with ports) that will be bound to by the VERA Server.

Note: When using Docker, these URLs refer to the internal URLs of the Docker network.


The maximum total size of HTTP requests sent within VERA. This value can be updated to adjust the maximum length of requests - especially when attaching large files to items.

Negative value will disable the limit completely.

209715200 (200MB)
VERA_MULTIPARTBODYLENGTHLIMITThe maximum size of a single part within an HTTP multi-part message. This can be updated to adjust the maximum size of a single file attachment.209715200 (200MB)
VERA_SERVER_DATA_DIRThe path of the VERA Server's data directory. The Certificates, Configs, Logs, and Policies sub-directories must be located within this directory.ProgramData\Tx3 Services
VERA_SERVER_ENCRYPTION_KEYThe encryption key that was used to encrypt service account passwords in the Synchronization Policy file.N/A
VERA_SERVER_JWT_CERT_NAMEThe PFX file that is used for signing the JSON Web Tokens used by the VERA Server.. This configuration must reference the name of a file in the server's Certificates directory; absolute paths are not supported.Tx3Jwt.pfx
VERA_SERVER_JWT_CERT_PASSWORDThe password of the PFX file used for signing the JSON web tokens.***REDACTED***
VERA_SERVER_LOG_LEVELThe logging level used by the web portal. Valid options include INFO and FULL and NONE.INFO
VERA_SERVER_MONGO_URLThe MongoDB connection string that should be used by the VERA Server to connect to its backend database.mongodb://localhost:27017
VERA_SERVER_URLThe preferred URL that should be used by VERA for internal module communications.http://localhost:5000

VERA Web Portal Environment Variables

Networking Configurations

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
VERA_SERVER_URLThe URL of the back-end VERA Server.Read from the config.yaml configuration file (as veraServerUrl).
VERA_USER_GUIDE_URLThe VERA User Guide link is pre-configured to go to Tx3 VERA Documentation ( site, but can be changed to a different URLRead from the config.yaml configuration file (as userGuideUrl).

The path of the VERA Web Portal's data directory. The Certificates, Configs, and Logs sub-directories must be located within this directory.

Note: The config.yaml file must be located within the Configs sub-directory of this configured directory.

VERA_WEB_HTTP_PORTThe port that the Web Portal will bind to for HTTP communications.Read from the config.yaml configuration file (as nodePort).

The PFX file that is used for configuring HTTPS/SSL communications on the Web Portal. This configuration must reference the name of a file in the Web Portal's Certificates directory; absolute paths are not supported.

Note: This variable is not needed when HTTPS/SSL is not used. When it is used, this variable must be used with the VERA_WEB_HTTPS_PASS and VERA_WEB_HTTPS_PORT variables.

Read from the config.yaml configuration file (as httpsCertFile).

The password of the PFX file that is used for configuring HTTPS/SSL communications on the Web Portal.

Note: This variable is not needed when HTTPS/SSL is not used. When it is used, this variable must be used with the VERA_WEB_HTTPS_FILE and VERA_WEB_HTTPS_PORT variables.

Read from the config.yaml configuration file (as httpsCertPassphrase).

The port that the Web Portal will bind to for HTTPS communications.

Note: This variable is not needed when HTTPS/SSL is not used. When it is used, this variable must be used with the VERA_WEB_HTTPS_FILE and VERA_WEB_HTTPS_PASS variables.

Read from the config.yaml configuration file (as nodePortHttps).

Additional arguments than should be appended to the MongoDB connection string.  The value must be configured as a URL query string with variables separated by ampersands (&) and with individual keys and values joined by equal signs (=).

Example:  ssl=true&sslValidate=true

Read from the config.yaml configuration file (as mongoDbArgs).
VERA_WEB_MONGO_URLThe MongoDB connection string that should be used by the VERA Web Portal to connect to its backend database.Read from the config.yaml configuration file (as mongoDbUrl).

Setting this to true will cause VERA Web Portal to redirect any HTTP traffic to HTTPS.

Note: If HTTPS is not set up properly, then all traffic will fail.


Read from the config.yaml configuration file (as preferHttps).


Setting this to true will cause VERA Web Portal use the secure flag on all cookies. This will cause cookies to only be sent over HTTPS.

Note: This may prevent users from logging into VERA Web Portal over a HTTP connection.


Read from the config.yaml configuration file (as secureCookie).


The base url of the web portal (e.g. This is used only for the SAML  Service Provider configuration. Do not include a trailing slash.Read from the config.yaml configuration file (as webPortalUrl).

Logging Configurations

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
VERA_WEB_LOG_LEVELThe logging level used by the web portal. Valid options include debug, info, and error.Read from the config.yaml configuration file (as logLevel).

SAML Configurations

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
VERA_WEB_SAML_SIG_SP_IDThe ID that is used to identify the VERA Signatures Service Provider with connected Identity Providers.Read from the config.yaml configuration file (as samlSignatureEntityId).
VERA_WEB_SAML_SP_IDThe ID that is used to identify the VERA Service Provider with connected Identity Providers.Read from the config.yaml configuration file (as samlEntityId).
VERA_WEB_SAML_SP_PRIVATE_KEY_FILEThe private security key used to encrypt communications between VERA's services providers and connected Identity Providers.Read from the config.yaml configuration file (as samlPrivateKeyFile).
VERA_WEB_SAML_SP_PUBLIC_CERT_FILEThe public security key used to encrypt communications between VERA's services providers and connected Identity Providers.Read from the config.yaml configuration file (as samlPublicCertFile).

Session Management Configurations

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
VERA_WEB_COOKIE_MAX_AGEThe duration, in milliseconds, after which a web portal session must expire.Read from config.yaml.

VERA Verification Service

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
VERA_VERIFICATION_EXPIRATION_DAYSThe number of days after which a successful verification will expire. i.e. Each individual VERA signature will be re-verified after this number of days.


VERA_VERIFICATION_START_TIMEThe time in 24-hour format at which the verification service will run daily. Expected format is: HH:mm. Example: 23:59


(one minute after midnight)


The full URL of the Verification Service, if hosted on a server different than the API server.Read from the config.yaml configuration file (as  verificationServiceUrl).

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