What's New in 20200828

The following new features and enhancements are introduced in VERA DevOps 20200828 release:

Approval Queue and Domain Management General Availability

The Approval Queue and Domain Management are in the general release and no longer technical preview.

VERA will segment data and filter the approval queue based on user domain membership and project domain association.  Users will only see Approval Tasks based on their role and domain membership. Administrators can

  • Create domains
  • Add and remove qTest and Jira projects from domains
  • Add and remove users from domains
  • Delete domains

Ability to remove a Project from a Domain

This feature allows for easy reorganization of projects and domains by allowing administrators to change the projects associated with a domain.  See Domain Management for more detail.

Improved Jira Issue revision feature

The VERA Jira Server App now displays approval routes and previous revision link to better support revision process.  More detail on Jira Issue revision can be found on the Revising Jira Records page. A revise webhook and state transition can be added to your Jira Workflow for revisions.  See How to add VERA webhooks for more detail.

Figure: Approval Route and Approved Revision Tab

Figure: Approved Revision Tab on a Jira issue that has no revisions.

Figure: Message displayed on a revised Jira issue that has not been routed for approval

Figure: Approved Revision Tab on a Jira issue that has approved revisions in VERA

Defect fixes

Various defect fixes to the Web Portal and API Server.

View the Release Notes for more information: