1. Login to Project as TDAdmin or Policy Administrator.
  2. If this project was created from a template, a message box opens stating "This project is not configured with a VERA Records Management policy. Editing functionality has been disabled. Please contact your system administrator."
  3. Click Ok to continue.
  4. Select and Check Out the Requirements folder (root Requirement in the Requirements Module).
  5. Select the Attachments tab and click the File button.
  6. The Open dialog box opens, enabling you to add a file attachment to the Requirements folder.
  7. Select the Approval Policy.json file and click Open to attach the json file to the requirement.
  8. Click the File button.
  9. Select Notification Policy.json file and click Open to attach the json file to the requirement.
  10. Click the File button.
  11. Select Records Management Policy.json file and click Open to attach the json file to the requirement.
  12. Check in the Requirements folder.
  13. Click the Go toolbar button.
  14. The VERA Action Menu opens, click the Version Information link at the bottom of the dialog to see the VERA Policy and component versions.