Software version: API 1.5

Publication date: 29 APR 2020

This file provides information about the VERA API Server

Resolved Issues

VS-599VERA REST Adapter:  Message retries cause InvalidOperation exceptionRest adapter now creates a new message request with each retry.
VS-607Error displaying "All" tasks in approval queue with large quantity of tasksThis specific issue was resolved by VF-599. However, there is a functional threshold to the number of tasks that can be loaded at once.
VS-610Cannot add large number of users to a domainCreated two separate async calls for adding/removing items to/from a list in the mongo adapter and implemented in the domain modules. 
VS-620User Management table does not load asynchronouslyImproved performance of the User Management page by adding server-side pagination to the table of users.
VS-629qTest webhook errors are not recorded in the error log.Removed try/catch from Post_RouteAction() so that error handling is done by VERA API Server.
VS-658The 'Users' list does not sort correctly on Name columnFixed the Users Management table to allow sorting by the Name of the user.

New Features

VS-299Implement HTTP Caching between Modules
VS-494Enforce domain permissions in the approval queue
VS-583Add meaningful error message for end user when approval or rejection fails
VS-603Add project to domain
VS-622View a user's domain assignments.
VS-642Enhance Module Framework to provide API pagination utilities
VS-644Use Jira project key as a data field

  • 1.5.0
  • win-2016-1.5.0
  • win-2019-1.5.0
  • linux-1.5.0

Known Issues and Limitations



Known Issue Details

VS-139"Pending Tasks" field refreshes too slowly after route withdrawal.The Pending Tasks field in qTest and Jira is not immediately updated when the record is approved or rejected in VERA.  The cached values are updated when the user invokes a browser refresh,
VS-323VERA Server needs a reboot to fully read new Sync Policy entriesChanges to the VERA Synchronization Policy will not take affect until the VERA Application service is restarted.
VS-447User Administrator role can see Signature Verification Failure Report and Re-verifyA User Administrator can access the Signature Verification reporting section of the Administration Portal.  This feature should be limited to System Administrators.
VS-512Jira Cloud Readonly Fields are Editable in New View

An issue exists in Jira Cloud in which "Readonly" fields are actually editable in Jira Cloud's "New View". This issue impacts the VERA Sync ID and VERA Pending Tasks fields. Users should be careful to not edit these fields.

Editing the VERA Sync ID field will break the issue's synchronization with VERA, and unintentional changes should be reverted.

Editing the Pending Tasks field will break any user-defined Jira filters for pending approval tasks. Changes can be reverted manually, or the field will update automatically the next time an approval action occurs.

Reference Atlassian Issue ID JRACLOUD-72479:

VS-606Error while sorting approval queue with large quantity of tasksUsers may encounter errors while sorting an approval queue with a large (thousands) quantity of tasks.
VS-668Sorting shows all values beginning with a capital letter before lowercase valuesWhen sorting data (users, records, etc.) alphabetically, the system erroneously alphabetizes capital letters independently from lower-case letters.  For example:  Apple, Cat, ball -- instead of: Apple, ball, Cat
VS-698VERA cannot create a qTest record if two fields in the record have the same nameThe VERA-qTest integration does not support importing records from qTest where the record has two fields with the same name.  If such a record is routed for approval from qTest, then an error will occur.