Software version: Vera 2024.1

Scheduled release date: 18 March 2024

This file provides information about Vera 2024.1:

Version Information

High-level Vera Version


Software Build

(Can be verified on the "Versions" screen in the web portal.)

Web Portal: 2353


API Server:


Resolved Issues





Add Retry mechanism for Jira API

Receiving 429 Too Many Requests and 502 Bad Gateway responses from any service calls, now will cause a re-try mechanism to trigger.


Null Aliases list in RMP Record Type definition prevents routing

Fixed an issue where the null Aliases in RMP record type definition prevents routing.


Defect modal displays full url for defect, not text of defect name

Fixed an issue on defects modal that was not displaying the correct defect name.


Error message for unsuccessful connection test should display user message

Fixed an issue where exception message was sent for unsuccessful connection test instead of a user message.


User dropdown empty when approval group contains a “/” character

Fixed an issue in the Role Management page that prevented searching for users in groups that contained a forward slash character.


Filtering connections columns with special characters gives a 500 error

Fixed an issue where filtering connection list with special characters resulted in 500 error. 


Vera throws exception when item being routed does not contain Sync Id but records collection contains more than 1 record

Fixed an issue where a missing Vera Sync ID from a Jira issue that was previously routed for approval would prevent the issue from being re-routed.


Audit History Details table shows columns with different sizes due to the length of the text

Fixed the audit history modal to handle long text in the table cells.


Update email address cannot be saved with greater than 64 characters

Updated the validation message for emails when updating the user details instead of displaying a generic message.


Audit Users API allows non-admin users to retrieve all audit data

Fixed an issue where the Audit Users API endpoint could be reached by non-administrative users


Jira Test Connection fails after changing the connection's Service Password

Fixed an issue where updating the service account password and testing the connection would result in a failure.


Intermittent 403 errors when logged in as System Admin

Fixed an issue that was displaying error messages after accessing the admin area


Duplicate domain can be created by updating domain name

Fixed an issue where an administrator could update a domain’s name to an already existing domain name.


Tosca test steps are displayed under qTest section for converted test cases

In order to make it clearer, we have moved the Tosca Test Steps to display under the Tosca Test Case Details section. This will only affect records routed for approval after this change. Existing records are not affected by the change.


Cannot Manually Verify Signatures in Vera Web Portal

Fixed an issue where manual re-verification of a signature always failed. Fixed another issue in which some signature failures were not displayed in the Signature Management page.


Domains & Roles domain filter does not work if more than 1 domain is selected

Fixed an issue where all domains were displayed when trying to filter on more than one domain.

VS-4596, VS-4730, VS-4738, VS-4778, VS-4800, VS-4801, VS-4802, VS-4845, VS-4944, VS-4945

Security Enhancements

Security Enhancements

New Features




Added the Vera user agent to all Jira & XRay requests to better align with common security protocols.


Improvements to Vera logging.

VS-4848, VS-4471

UI Updates to Vera Login Page.

VS-4796, VS-4784, VS-4783, VS-4781, VS-4780, VS-3772, VS-153

We have improved the Vera Web Portal to make the display of field match their source systems better. This includes improving how HTML pasted into qTest is displayed and showing the rendered Jira Wiki-style markup. This also allows for displaying Wiki-style markup for Xray test cases and runs.

VS-4745, VS-4744, VS-4722, VS-4683, VS-4672, VS-4671, VS-4670

We have improved how SSO users can log into Vera Web Portal. Now, both Service Provider and Identity Provider initiated login are supported.


Child Navigation links are now automatically expanded when navigating to the “Reports” tab in the Web Portal.


Pagination has been added to the User dropdown on the Role Management page.

VS-4503, VS-4449

User sessions are now monitored for inactivity and inactive users will be logged out automatically. Also, System Administrators can manually remove active user sessions.

VS-4497, VS-4496, VS-2837, VS-2836, VS-2813

The Audit History has been improved to include Domain Administration activities.

Docker Image Information



  • 2024.1.0

How to Upgrade

See Upgrade the Vera Server Applications for instructions

Known Issues and Limitations



Known Issue Details


"Pending Tasks" field refreshes too slowly after route withdrawal.

The Pending Tasks field in qTest and Jira is not immediately updated when the record is approved or rejected in VERA.  The cached values are updated when the user invokes a browser refresh.


VERA cannot create a qTest record if two fields in the record have the same name

The VERA-qTest integration does not support importing records from qTest where the record has two fields with the same name.  If such a record is routed for approval from qTest, then an error will occur.


User sees duplicate approval tasks for the same record in approval queue

If an approval route contains two pending tasks for the same role (e.g. two Technical approvals) then an eligible approver will see both tasks in their queue.


Vera does not apply a default approval route

If a record is routed for approval that does not match any configured route templates, the user will see an error message indicating the record was proceed by Vera, but there was no Approval Route configured for the record.

In qTest the Approval Route field is updated with the message: "An error occurred while adding the specified record to the VERA route repository"
In Jira the Vera Panel will display: "Error Code 21 An unexpected error occurred while Vera was processing this record. Please contact an Administrator."


An error is displayed when splitting an issue in the standard VERA Jira workflow

Atlassian’s create issue property prevents the splitting of a record. Combined with inconsistencies around workflow permissions, the error message displayed is currently unable to be addressed.


Password content can break qTest integration

Using a colon character (":") in the qTest Service Account password causes the qTest integration to fail. The colon character (":") is not supported and should not be used in service account passwords.


User GUID is displayed instead of display name

Custom fields with a user selection dropdown display in the web portal as the user’s ID rather than the user’s name.


MongoDB cannot connect when password is not encoded

MongoDB passwords must be URI encoded for MongoDB specifications. See link for more details:


Handling empty bitmap image attachments properly in Record Details and Print View pages

Empty bitmap images are displayed as a broken link in Vera.


Scenario is not formatted on record detail for some cucumber tests

Depending on the length of a Cucumber Xray Test, the scenario formatting may not display correctly in Vera.


CSV Importer does not Allow for Numbers in Full Name Field

Attempting to import a user with a number in their Full Name will result in a failed import.


Projects drop down search cannot handle special characters

On the Records page, searching with special characters in the projects field may result in an error.


In the profile page updating email address with invalid email allows to save

User email addresses can be updated and saved with invalid characters. An error message is displayed but the save is done successfully.


System Admin is able to edit a user's IdP username with special characters

An administrator is able to update a user’s Identity Provider Username with invalid characters.


User List in Role Management not working with special characters

The user dropdown on the Role Management page fails to handle searching with some special characters. This results in no filter being applied.


Filters in active user sessions page cant work with special characters

The Username, Full Name and Last Access columns on the Active User Sessions page fail to handle filtering on some special characters. This results in no filter being applied.


Audit history page Vera ID filter cant work with special characters

The Vera ID column on the Audit History page fails to handle filtering on some special characters. This results in an error message with no filter applied.