Updating the Logging Level for VERA Web Portal

The logs for VERA Web Portal can be configured to various logging levels in order to filter messages based on urgency. The Web Portal log level options are as follows:

infoAn informational listing of messages between the VERA Web Portal and external consumers.
debugA verbose listing of all internal and external messages along with their payloads for VERA Web Portal.
errorA verbose listing of error messages along with their payloads for VERA Web Portal.

The default logging level is info. To set the logging level to a different level, one of the following options must be taken:

Option #1: Update the config.yaml file:

  1. Locate the config.yaml file in the Web Portal Data Directory > Configs folder.
  2. Add or update the "logLevel" property:
  3. Save the file and restart the Web Portal.

Option #2: Update the docker-compose.yml file:

  1. Locate the docker-compose.yml file.
  2. Locate the vera.web.portal container section.
  3. Add or edit the VERA_WEB_LOG_LEVEL environment variable:
  4. Save the file and restart the Web Portal.