Tosca Integration: Known limitations

Lock Groups

Although a default Lock Group is provided, organizations may choose to use a different named group or multiple Lock Groups. If this is the case, users must type in the desired lock group when performing the Request Approval action. Lock Groups are case sensitive. If a match is not found, Tosca will alert the user and they will simply need to reinitiate the Request Approval action and retype the corrected lock group name. Use only organization approved Lock Groups! Not doing so can result in locked records that require elevated access to unlock.

Bulk Transactions

Bulk transactions can take some time to process. For these transactions, a progress bar is displayed in VERA which will reflect the total percentage of completed processes, i.e., approvals, rejections, etc. It is important to allow time for each transaction to complete in order to maintain a synchronized state between qTest, Tosca and VERA. For instance, when Routing for Approval, allow time for the Approval Route to be established before cancelling the route.

Displayed Records

Since VERA combines information from two source systems to create a record, qTest and Tosca, there can be instances where the display is influenced by the raw information stored in each application. When that happens, the VERA record may display the following:

  • Extra “/” characters in urls, dates

  • “|” or “pipe” characters

  • {blank} in rare instances when the Tosca information is not available for display

In these circumstances, please refer to the respective qTest or Tosca record for additional details.

Attachments in qTest

Existing functionality in qTest allows users to add attachments and comments to locked records in both the Test Design area and during execution of Test Runs. Do not add attachments or comments to artifacts while they are in Routing or Approved status unless your organization expressly permits you to do so. All such activity is captured in the record history and can be reviewed by administrative users, if needed.


After initial approval, a Tosca test case can be revised through a controlled process which temporarily unlocks the test for editing. It is important that a user who edits the test case refrains from certain actions in order to maintain linkages between records. For instance, test cases in Tosca should not be “unlinked” from qTest after initial approval, nor should they be deleted. Although VERA will maintain history of the original record, these actions will break the linkage between records, which cannot be restored.

Tosca Test Run Results

After a test case is approved, the version number is updated to a major version. Currently, after that approved test is executed in Tosca, at the time the run results are posted to qTest, the version number is incremented again to the next major version. This happens each time test run results are posted to qTest.

Tosca Execution List Folder and Subfolders

At this time, the main ExecutionList folder and all children, including subfolders, ExecutionLists, TestMandates and Test Events must be organized directly under the root of the workspace, at the top-level of the hierarchy. They cannot be moved under Component folders. If these items are moved, test results will no longer pass correctly between Tosca and qTest or vice versa.