Add VERA to Jira Projects After Initial Integration
After the initial integration of VERA to Jira, Jira administrators can continue to enable the VERA Approval Route on any new or existing Jira projects. There are two main components that enables VERA to work seamlessly in Jira: the VERA integrated workflow and enabling the VERA approval route.
Integrating VERA into a Jira Workflow
Multiple VERA compatible workflows can be created to support the various projects and issue types that your company utilizes. Jira administrators can choose to integrate VERA into an existing workflow or to create a new VERA enabled workflow altogether. To do this, add the required VERA statuses and transitions into the Jira workflow by following the Integrate VERA Workflow States into Jira Workflows guide. The documentation will ensure you complete the following checklist to have a fully VERA integrated Jira workflow.
Workflow Completion Checklist:
Add VERA statuses (Routing for Approval, Rejected, Approved)
- Disable the delete, move, and clone actions
- Restrict VERA statuses edit permissions to VERA service account
- Add VERA transitions
- Add VERA Webhooks
- Add project role conditions to VERA approval transitions
Enabling VERA Approval Route on a Jira Project
The VERA Approval Route is triggered by the presence of VERA custom fields in the project. The VERA custom fields, a VERA integrated workflow, and the VERA service account all work together to route records for approval. The steps below assumes that a VERA integrated workflow has already been created. Please follow this checklist to enable the VERA Approval Route on new or existing Jira projects.
Enabling VERA Approval Route Completion Checklist:
Link a VERA integrated workflow to the new project [Jira Server Guide/Jira Cloud Guide]
Ensure the VERA service account is in the project's VERA system role*
*This is an optional step that depends on how the VERA system role was set up.