Configure the Record Management Policy

Incorrectly editing VERA policy files can cause the system to become unresponsive or to fail. If you are unsure or need guidance, please reach out to Tx3 Services before making changes to the policy files.

In order to add additional record data fields or to change the existing record types in VERA, you must edit the Record Management Policy file on the VERA Server. Follow the instructions below to add or modify records in VERA:

Add a Record Data Field to VERA

  1. Access the Record Management Policy.json file in the Policies directory of the VERA Server Installation Directory.
  2. Edit the file and find the record type to be modified
  3. Within the record type object, locate the Fields array
  4. Add new field objects with "Name" and "Is Data" keys:
    1. Be sure to enclose each key and value in plain double quotes and use a comma to separate each field object from the others in the list. 

Update a Record Data Type in VERA

  1. Access the Record Management Policy.json file in the Policies directory of the VERA Server Installation Directory.
  2. Edit the file and find the record type to be modified
  3. Within the record type object, locate the Definitions array
  4. Update the "Item Types", "Singular Name" and "Plural Name" keys:

Deploy the Record Management Policy

see Managing Default Policies

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