Support for Jira Wiki Markup

Jira stores rich text fields using the a proprietary markup language (details of the notations available can be found here). In previous versions, Vera did not display the markup language in a rendered form, but instead displayed the raw text of the field. As of 2024.1, Vera now displays the rendered version of the field value.

Vera relies on the Rendered Fields expansion of the Jira Rest API, which converts the wiki data into HTML. Vera does not do the actual conversion of the field data. The conversion may not appear exactly as it does in Jira, but the appearance is very similar. More information on the Jira REST API can be found here.

The following limitations with the Jira REST API rendered fields expansion have been observed:

  • Panel icons are missing.

  • Emojis are displayed in text form and not converted to images.

All records routed with Vera version 2024.1 and later will automatically import the rendered field data and no changes need to be made to the system.

Support for Previously Routed Records

If you have a record that was routed in a previous version, the easiest way to display the rendered view of the field is to withdraw or revise the record and route it again. Once it has been rerouted, then any fields with the Jira Markup language will be displayed in their rendered HTML view.

If you have a record that was routed in a previous version, but you cannot or will not re-route the record, you can still have the Vera Web Portal convert the raw Jira Markup to HTML “on the fly” by updating the Records Management Policy. Follow these steps to convert a field in the Web Portal:

This will not change the underlying data stored in the Vera database. The record will be stored in the old, wiki format until it is routed for approval again with Vera 2024.1 or later.

Steps to Flag a Field for Wiki Conversion

  1. Identify the field that is displaying Jira Markup (eg. the Description field is typically in the Jira Markup format).

  2. Open the Records Management Policy for that Domain associated with the Jira Project.

  3. Find the Record Type(s) and Field(s) that needs to be updated:

    1. { "Name": "Jira XRay Manual Test", "Base Record Type": "Jira Issue", ... "Fields": [ { "Name": "Description", ... "Format": "Jira Wiki", ... }, ... ], "Default Route Template": null, "Allow Verify Signatures": true, "Author": null },


  4. Update the Format value to “Jira Wiki”.

  5. Upload the new version of the Records Management Policy. See here for more information:

  6. View the record in the Web Portal. The Jira Markup text is now displayed in an HTML rendered format.

The following limitations are currently present when decoding the Jira Wiki to HTML: