Complete Test Sets

Test Set Designers can close a test set for new executions by transitioning the test set to Complete. For non-GxP test sets, this will be the final status in the workflow. For GxP test sets, the Complete state can be used as a temporary status before the test set is routed for post-execution approvals.

Reference Workflow Transitions for more information about transitioning workflow states in VERA.

Action Menu Button

Default Role(s)

Test Set Designer

Record Type(s)

Test Sets

Starting Workflow State(s)

Draft (for non-GxP test sets only)
Ready for Execution

Ending Workflow State


Special Rule(s)

  1. The test set is locked against editing, including adding/removing tests.
  2. Testers are unable to start new test executions.
Testers will still be able to continue the execution of existing test runs when the test set is Complete. For a test set to be fully locked against executions, the test set must be Complete, and all existing test runs must be either Cancelled or Approved.