VERA for ALM 2.14



Release Date

15 FEB 2022

QCP Type


Version Control


Supported HP ALM Version(s)

Reference the Tx3 VERA for ALM Installation and Deployment Guide

High Level Description

Tx3 VERA v2.14


This is maintenance release containing customer requested enhancements. Reference the Change Summary for more details.

Tx3 Internal Ref ID

1688 / 003ea3e

Software Components





VERA Policy Configurations:

Records Management Policy: * Approval Policy: Notification Policy: Risk Assessment Policy: Test Execution Policy: UI Configurations:

QC/ALM Workflow Script **

VERA Windows Client

VERA Windows Client Installer: 2.14.1 Vera Core Plug-in (Vera.Core.dll): Vera ALM OTA Adapter (Vera.Adapters.ALMOTA.QC12_53.dll):
Vera ALM Utilities (Vera.Utils.Alm.QC12_53.dll): VERA Data Importer (Vera.DataImporter.dll): VERA Data Importer Plugin (Vera.DataImporter.Plugin.dll): VERA Data Importer ALM OTA Adapter (Vera.DataImporter.Importers.ALMOTA.dll): VERA Data Importer WPF UI (Vera.UI.WPF.DataImporter.dll): VERA REST Adapter (Vera.Adapters.Rest.dll): VERA Tosca REST Adapter (Vera.Adapters.ToscaRest.dll): VERA Signatures Plug-in (Vera.Signatures.dll): VERA Signatures Verification Plug-in (Vera.Signatures.VerificationApp.dll): Vera WPF UI (Vera.UI.WPF.dll):

VERA Utilities

VERA Password Encryption Utility: VERA Policy Uploader Utility:

* This version of the Records Management Policy—which can be retrieved from the Policies directory of the release package—is a patch version newer than the Records Management Policy embedded inside the QCP file.

** This version of the QC/ALM Workflow Script—which can be retrieved from the Scripts directory of the release package—is a minor version newer than the workflow script embedded inside the QCP file.

Files in the Release


File Name



File Name


Release Notes

VERA 2.14 Release Notes (TX3.1022.RPT.099.03).pdf

This document.

VERA Windows Client Installer

VERA Windows Client Installer.msi

The installation utility for the VERA client files.

Configuration Specification

Tx3.1022.SPC.014.12 (VERA 2.14 Configuration Specification).pdf

Describes the standard configurations of VERA's ALM template and policy files.

VERA Policy Uploader Utility


A utility for deploying VERA policy files to multiple projects at once.

VERA Password Encryption Utility

A utility used for encrypting service account passwords. This component is used with the VERA Synchronization feature, and it is not required for most VERA installations.

VERA Standard Workflow Scripts


The standard set of ALM workflow script files embedded with the VERA Standard Template. These are extracted for easier deployment to non-standard project templates.


Reference the VERA for ALM Installation and Deployment Guide for instructions on installing the new software components: Tx3 VERA for ALM Installation and Deployment Guide

What’s New

Review a summary of new features in the VERA for ALM What's New documentation: What's New

User Guides

User instructions are available online:

  • VERA for ALM User Guide: Provides user-level instructions for performing basic actions in VERA.

  • CSV Import User Guide: Provides user-level instructions for importing requirements and test cases to ALM using VERA's Data Importer feature.

Change Log

Current Release

Items addressed in the current release.


Reference ID

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Name / Description

Bug Report


Smart Delete will allow you delete the root Subject folder in Test Plan if it is empty
Fixed an issue where the users were allowed to delete empty Test Plan root folders.

Bug Report


Add ability to scroll/expand details pane in the Action window Added vertical srollbar to details pane whenever the item has too much information to display in a single screen.

Bug Report


Title of Smart Delete Dialog has whitespace issue.
Fixed window constructor to consider newline character as whitespace.

Bug Report


Requirement Version Checkout button not working
Implemented support for the following ALM action: VersionHistory.Checkout

Bug Report


Rejection Reason dialog toolbar not rendering properly
Fixed an issue that was preventing the displaying of toolbar buttons at the Reject Reason dialog box.

Bug Report


Dry Run is created for formal test set when Test Execution Policy is missing in project
Display a warning message to the user upon login when the Test Execution Policy is missing.

Bug Report


Failed Signature notification email is not working
Fixed an issue that was preventing the sending of notifications emails for Failed Signature events.

Bug Report


Reduce TOSCA REST API calls to mitigate impact on VERA performance
Removed calls to TOSCA from records when editability of the record is not changing.



Require fields to be filled for a level of approvals
Implemented the new 'Field Contains' constraint that allows VERA for ALM to look up a particular value in a field.



Support updating a read-only field during CSV import by concatenating two or more other fields
Enhanced the VERA Data Importer to support populating read-only fields during import by concatenating and formatting values from other imported fields.

Prior Releases

Running log of features and bug fixes from prior releases in reverse-chronological order.

VERA 2.13 – 16 AUG 2021


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Name / Description

Bug Report


Route-level meanings are not configurable
Ensured that the configured Meaning on a Route in the Records Management Policy is used on associated tasks.

Bug Report


Cannot filter on Releases and Cycles directly under root Releases folder
Fixed two issues with the ability to filter on Target Release or Target Cycle of requirement entities:

  1. Fixed an issue in which root-level releases (releases created directly under the root "Releases" folder) were not displayed as available options in the filter configuration dialog.  The dialog now correctly displays both folders and releases directly under the root "Releases" folder.

  2. Fixed an issue in which Target Release / Target Cycle were not displayed as available filter fields when no releases were defined in the project.

Bug Report


Users can approve with anything is SSO is enabled, but a project is not configured for SSO
Fixed an issue where projects could be misconfigured to not use SSO for approvals even though the server has been enabled for SSO.

Bug Report


Filtering on Target Cycles with same name causes error and crashing of ALM Fixed an issue where ALM displays a message and eventually crashes when the user attempts to apply a filter for Target Cycles with the same name.

Bug Report


Unknown Action Defects.ClearDefaultValues Implemented support for the following ALM action: Defects.ClearDefaultValues

Bug Report


Reassign Task User Dropdown is not displayed correctly in ALM 14 Set minimum size for components to prevent unexpected cropping

Bug Report


VERA Policy Uploader closes unexpectedly if the root requirement is already checked out when someone else tries to upload files Handled thrown exception when user can't undo a checkout performed by someone else. Added messagebox with a list of failed projects when the upload finishes. Added fail reason to log file.

Bug Report


Bulk test approval tasks/routing for approval fails with an error. Fixed an issue where approvals could not be done when selecting test folders with with large numbers ( > 255 ) of tests

Bug Report


Workflow error when navigating to Test Run Module when no runs exist Fixed an issue where the Test Lab module displays an error message to the user when the Test Runs grid is empty.

Bug Report


Windows Client is required to log into a VERA project
Added warning messages to inform the user that they don't have the VERA for ALM client installed.

Bug Report


Called Tests are not checked recursively by the Test Execution policy
Implemented recursive 'Test Execution Policy' checking for called tests within a Test Set

Bug Report


Runtime error in empty test run grid
An issue was fixed to display a clearer message to the user when the Defects,  the Test Plan, or the Test Runs grid is empty.

Bug Report


Exec Time of a run step updates when the user cancels a redline action
Fixed an issue where the 'Run Step Execution Time' is changed after the user changes the 'Execution Status' and then cancels when the justification message is required.

Bug Report


Unrecognized action: ExecutionGrid.FetchAllResults
Implemented support for the following ALM action: ExecutionGrid.FetchAllResults

Bug Report


New version of Test Case applies updated Test Description to approved test runs
Created new User field that holds the test description at the moment the run is executed.

Customer Configuration


Records Management Policy: Defect Content Originator set to Defect Resolver
Policy updated

Enhancement Request


Admin needs the ability to configure the meaning of signatures per level in the approval route
Added the ability to configure signature meanings for each level of an Approval Route. This configuration is done per level of a route in the Approval Policy. If the meaning for a level is missing, the default meaning is set to "Approval".

Enhancement Request


When restarting an approval route VERA retains task meaning and continues to sync from prior route for approver and reviewer levels
In alignment with the new capability to add signature meanings, routes will retain their task meanings and sync from the previous route of a record. Note: This functionality already existed for the "Approval" signature meaning but has been extended to work with any defined meaning in the Approval Policy.

Enhancement Request


Assign requirements to releases
Implemented support for controlling which releases can be added or removed from the Target Release field of a requirement.  Through Records Management Policy configurations, the native functionality for modifying a requirement's Target Release can be disabled and replaced with an action in the VERA Action Menu.  This action will prevent users from adding/removing releases where a custom Locked field is set to Y.

Enhancement Request


Assign a cycle to a test set folder
Added a new VERA action that allows for assigning of cycles to a Test Set Folder.

Enhancement Request


Prevent removing a locked cycle from a test set folder
Implemented the ability to prevent the removal of cycles belonging to locked releases from test set folders. The Assign to Cycle action will be disabled in the action menu.

Enhancement Request


Prevent adding a locked cycle to a test set folder
Implemented the ability to prevent adding cycles in locked releases to test set folders. The cycles will not be selectable in the dialog and will show that they are locked.

Enhancement Request


Do not allow selecting multiple test set folders
Updated the Assign to Cycle action dialog to remove the ability to select multiple test set folders.

Enhancement Request


Clear the assigned cycle of a test set folder
Added the ability to clear the assigned cycle for a test set folder when using the "Assign to Cycle" action.

Enhancement Request


Configure the VERA Action Menu tool-tips viewing time increased

VERA 2.12 – 17 MAY 2021


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Enhancement Request


Add a capability to filter records in VERA actions
Added the ability to specify fields that can be available for filtering entities in VERA actions.  This configuration is done on a per-action basis in the Records Management Policy.  The feature supports basic list fields, release fields, and cycle fields.  It does not support plain text fields, memo fields, number fields, or special fields other than release/cycle.

Enhancement Request


Add the ability to have a warning instead of preventing when Step Evidence is required
A feature was added to warn a tester that evidence is required, but still allow them to complete the step if they choose to.x

Bug Report


Editors and Author rules are not working for VERA actions An issue was fixed where if the Author group was designated as an Editor for Defects, any group could transition the record.

VERA 2.11 – 10 FEB 2021


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Enhancement Request


Approve a Record using ALM SSO
Updated the SSO Approval method introduced for ALM 14 to work with the ALM 15.5 Shared Login Module. This allows for ALM 15.5 clients to enable SSO authentication for signatures on a per-project basis.

Bug Report


Fix issue with starting runs in a Ready for Execution functional test set Fixed an issue that prevented starting runs in functional test sets with a status of Ready for Execution.  Previously, a workflow error message was displaying indicating that the test set was not Ready for Execution.

Enhancement Request


Implement support for unrecognized actions on functional test sets
Implemented support for various ALM action names associated with the Functional test set type.

Bug Report


Implement design changes for removing queries against Tosca during approval actions
Updated usage of the TOSCA Rest API so that it is only accessed when necessary to read or update data contained there.

Bug Report


Audit log time zone changes cause signature verification failure
Added the ability to disable the verification of eApprove signatures.

Enhancement Request


Unrecognized Action when starting a run in a functional test set
Implemented support for the following ALM actions:  .StartRunSSE and .StartRunTestSetSSE

Bug Report


Signature Verification can fail on custom date formats that are ambiguous
Added the ability to configure a list of custom Date Time Formats to be attempted when verifying signatures.

Bug Report


Unable to route a partially executed test run for approval
Created 'Child Field Is One Of' and 'Child Field Is Not One Of' constraints to allow sub-constraints to be verified on test steps within a test run.

VERA 2.10 – 25 NOV 2020


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Bug Report


Approval Route updated with incorrect information in scenario of two approval route fields
Fixed a bug in the Start Approval Routes action in which the "Approval Route" field was hard-coded to be updated when starting an approval route, even when an alternative field was configured to contain the route information.  Now, only the alternate field will be updated (if configured) instead of both the normal Approval Route field and the alternate field. Note:  This bug only impacted special VERA configurations that used alternate fields for route information.

Enhancement Request


Support multi-select values in VERA field constraints
Implemented a "List Field Contains Any Of" constraint that supports evaluating whether a multi-select list field contains any of the specified values.  This enables VERA to use business rules driven off of multi-select lists where only one or a few of the selected values need be considered in a rule evaluation.

Enhancement Request


Populate a list of approval tasks from a list of values in a field
Enhanced the VERA Windows Client to support dynamically adding approval tasks to a route based on approval groups selected in a multi-select field.

Enhancement Request


Create a distinct list of values from linked records
Enhanced the VERA Windows client to support copying one or more field values from linked records to a single field of a target record.  The values are combined as a delimited list of values with support for supporting and enforcing distinct values.

Enhancement Request


Detect when evidence is required and there is no step attachment Enhanced the VERA for ALM workflow script to support two new constraints: "Item Has Attachments" and "Item Does Not Have Attachments".  These constraints can be applied to the Update Rules of run step fields to ensure steps cannot be passed/failed without attachments when evidence is required. NOTE:  VERA's default configurations were not impacted by this enhancement.

Bug Report


Fail to Import Tests into project with same folder structure
Fixed an issue in the VERA Data Import Utility in which tests could be imported into an unexpected folder path location.  The issue could occur when folder paths were partially ambiguous and the full path wasn't represented in the CSV import file.

VERA 2.9 – 27 AUG 2020


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Enhancement Request


Implement configurable blocklist of ALM actions
The workflow script has been updated to support "Prohibited Actions" in the Records Management Policy that allow prohibiting ALM actions with an "Excepted Roles" specification for roles which the action is not prohibited but follow the permissions based on the remaining workflow script specifications.  If the "Excepted Roles" is not specified, the action is prohibited for all roles.

Bug Report


"424 - Object Required" Error when Formally Executing an Automated Test
This VERA for ALM workflow script was updated to prevent the "424 - Object Required" error when executing an automated test in a formal execution test set.

Bug Report


Update minimum .NET version required by VERA for ALM client
The VERA Windows Client Installer was updated to enforce a new minimum system requirement of Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2.

Bug Report


Generating run 'Attachment History' is too slow with large numbers of run steps
Updated the run attachment history feature to optimize the SQL queries against the ALM audit log.  These optimizations should be noticeable when routing test runs for approval that contain large numbers (hundreds) of steps.

Enhancement Request


Enable subgroup notifications independently from group notifications
Updated the VERA Windows Client to support an additional property in the Notification Policy:  "Notify Subgroup".  This optional property provides the ability to enable email notifications to approval subgroups without also enabling notifications to entire approval groups.  When this property is omitted, subgroup notifications will follow the current configuration for group-level notifications. VERA's default notification policy was not impacted.

Bug Report


'No content originator is defined for the specified entity type: Test Instance' is displayed when Reassign Task action is selected from test set module Fixed an issue in the VERA Windows Client in which the "Reassign Task(s)" as admin feature could not be used on test sets due to the error message described above.

Enhancement Request


Implement context-sensitive list of current assignees in the Reassign Tasks as Admin dialog
Enhanced the VERA Windows Client so that the "Reassign Task(s) as Admin" dialog displays a context-sensitive list of current task assignees in the "Reassign From" field.  Previously, this field displayed a non-context-sensitive list of all users in the project.  The new behavior a) makes the feature more usable by displaying a significantly shorter list of options, and b) provides the ability to reassign tasks from inactive users that have been removed from the project.

Bug Report


VERA-Tosca REST errors cause the Action Menu to crash
Fixed a cross-threading issue in the VERA Windows Client that caused exception messages from the Tosca integration to become disposed before they were displayed to the user.

Bug Report


Error importing test steps in non-version-controlled projects
The Data Importer Utility has been updated to support importing tests and test steps from projects that have version control disabled.

Bug Report


Error verifying displayed eApprove signatures
Updated the VERA Signature Verification feature of the VERA Windows Client to support eApprove signatures

  • without location information

  • with a bulk transition tag

  • with alternate data formats in the audit log

Bug Report


Refactor and Unit Test ActionCanExecute function
Updated the main ActionCanExecute function so that it is more easily maintained and tested.

Bug Report


User defined actions are not following the RMP execution rules
Fixed custom handling of user defined actions to honor the rules in the Records Management Policy.

Bug Report


Testers Field is not getting Populated when creating a Run
A new function was added to update the Testers field with the values from the Run's Tester field and the Steps' Tester fields. This will ensure that the Testers field is accurate prior to routing the Run for Actual Tester approval.

Bug Report


'Tester' field of test runs uses default editability
The standard Records Management Policy was updated to treat the Tester field as a Read Only field. This field is managed by ALM and should not be changed manually.

Bug Report


Error occurs when a route with only Tester approvals cannot find the tester
A task routed for tester approval will be assigned to the user even if they are no longer a part of the project.

Bug Report


VERA Data Import Utility is not compatible with project parameter-based default values
Fixed an issue in the VERA Windows Client in which default values were not loaded from the project parameter configurations before new records were initialized during CSV import.

Bug Report


Cannot use "Reassign Approval Tasks (as Admin)" action on requirement tree for content originator
Fixed an issue in the VERA Windows Client in which the "Reassign Task(s)" as admin feature could not be used on multiple entities within a requirement folder.

VERA 2.8 – 26 MAY 2020


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ID #

Name / Description

Enhancement Request


Initialize fields from the test run for defects created during a test execution
The workflow script routine "SetInitializedValue" was updated to support specifying the "Initialize" element on defect fields in the Records Management Policy to assign Run field values to the defect fields during a manual run or from the run dialog.

Enhancement Request


Reassign (as Admin) a task assigned to an approval subgroup
Added awareness of subgroups to the Reassign as Admin action.

Enhancement Request


Control the ability to add and remove attachments of test steps independently from the test run
Template_common.tds has been updated to support the "Subrecord Type Is" constraint in the execution rules of the Edit Attachments action.

Enhancement Request


Approve, reject, reassign an approval task assigned to a subgroup
Added awareness of subgroups to the approval, rejection, and reassignment of entities by assigned users.

Enhancement Request


Enable Group Email Notifications
In order to support customers who want to notify members of an approval group when an entity is routed for approval, but a named approver is not selected, the ability to enable group emails has been added.

Enhancement Request


Assign to Subgroup when routing for approval
Updated the VERA core engine to support defining subgroups of approval groups, and also to support assigning approval tasks to those subgroups.  Updated the VERA for ALM adapter to support reading and writing subgroup assignments from the Approval Route field.  Also updated the adapter to support reading subgroup memberships from the ALM project.

VERA 2.7 – 25 MAR 2020


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Bug Report


Cannot import requirement folders via the CSV data importer Fixed the VERA Core engine so that VERA will recognize when a record type has no associated workflow and thus will not attempt to read a status field to determine if the record is currently editable.

Bug Report


Cannot complete signature when using a non-standard Approval Route field
A regression in the VERA Windows client was preventing signatures on any approval route that used a source field other than the "Approval Route" field.  This regression was fixed to correctly support routing entities using a non-standard approval route source field.

Bug Report


Workflow action override TDS files are not behaving as expected
The VERA ALM workflow script was updated such that custom TDS files can be used to evaluate the results of the Action Can Execute workflow hook.  Prior to this change, the Action Can Execute event always returned false when it was handled by a custom TDS file.

Bug Report


VERA for ALM installer should be signed
The VERA installer is now signed using Tx3's code signing certificate.

User Story


Admin can assign a task from <Any>
The VERA Windows client was enhanced to allow the ability for Administrators to reassign approval tasks that are unassigned through the Reassign (Admin) interface.

Bug Report


'Tester' field intermittently not getting populated in Run Steps
Rules were added to the default Records Management Policy to ensure that a test run cannot be routed for approval if any step-level "Tester" fields are blank.   The default RMP was also updated "Tester" field will be editable to administrators in the Draft and Dry Run states so they can correct the issue. The VERA Windows client was updated to support the new configurations.

Enhancement Request


System shall allow Re-Assign (via the VERA action menu) Updated the VERA Windows Client to allow users to reassign an available approval task from <Any> to themselves or to another member of their approval group.

Bug Report


GXP field is intermittently not getting populated
Adjusted the default Records Management Policy to allow Test Administrators to correct Test Runs that failed to copy the values of GxP, Category and Draft Run fields. Test Administrators can edit the GxP and Category fields of Test Runs that are in Draft or Dry Run states. They can also edit the Draft Run field for tests in the Dry Run state. Additionally, the GxP and Category fields are required in order to route a Test Run for Approval.

Enhancement Request


Default Values in each module can be different for projects in organization
Added the ability to include Project Parameter values in the Default Value for fields. This can be done by tagging the Project Parameter name inside double-square brackets inside the records management policy. (ex. [[Project Parameter Name]] )

Enhancement Request


Prevent Tester from Processing Approval (Author Exclusion Rule)
Added support for a new, optional parameter in the VERA approval policy file that configures whether 'author' exclusion rules should be enforced on a specific route or on all routes in the policy.  When enabled, VERA will not allow the designated author of a record to complete any approval tasks on that record except for Content Originator signature or Tester signature.  The configuration is disabled by default.

Enhancement Request


Disable Assign to Release and Assign to Cycle action for requirement and requirement folder
Separated the ability to assign a single requirement to a Release or Cycle from the ability to populate the Release or Cycle to all sub-requirements. The preferred method for Requirement Author to make updates to the Target Release and Target Cycle is through the Requirement Details Dialog window. If this dialog is not used, if the selected requirement contains sub-requirements but is not a Folder, the user will be instructed to perform a manual refresh in order to see the resulting change. If a Requirement Author is updating multiple requirements through the "Update Selected..." facility and selected requirements contain sub-requirements, they will encounter some errors and those requirements will report as Aborted. However, the changes will be made successfully.

VERA 2.6.2 – 24 JAN 2020


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Name / Description

Bug Report


Bulk Reassign Approval (by current task owner) fails and displays error message
Fixed an issue in which the Reassign action of the Approval Tasks dialog did not work with a tree of entities in scope.

Bug Report


'Reassign' approval option allows multiple assignments to same user
Fixed an issue in the 'Reassign' approval task action that allowed an approver to reassign a task to another user that already has a task assigned.

Bug Report


Content Originator signature meanings not working as expected Fixed an issue in the VERA core library in which the incorrect task property (user group) was used to generate descriptions of content originator tasks.

Bug Report


Can't Approve UFT test when ALM project is using Oracle DB
Corrected an internal SQL query to allow hard locking to work on case-sensitive (ie. Oracle) databases.

VERA 2.6.1 – 30 DEC 2019


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Name / Description

Bug Report


"Details" tab shows as "Base Details"
The workflow script is updated to change the Details tab label from "Base Details" to "Details" in all modules.

Enhancement Request


Add support for handling native ALM actions in custom TDS scripts
The VERA ALM workflow scripts have been updated to add support for handling native ALM actions and user defined actions in a custom TDS file

Bug Report


Save VERA Encryption Key to Common Settings The "VeraKey" value specified in the Workflow Script is saved to the "COMMON_SETTINGS" table for access by external code such as the VERA Tosca integration.

Bug Report


Reassign Task(s) (Administrator Only) is showing no results in "Role" dropdown when approver is selected in Reassign from
Updated the VERA Core engine to fix the issue in which users were unable to select a target role when reassigning approval tasks from another user.

Bug Report


VERA Data importer does not prompt user to select CSV file
Updated Data Importer UI to reference the updated Vera UI for VERA for ALM 2.6.

Bug Report


VERA 2.6 Action Menu does not load for Tosca Tests or Test Sets
Updated the installation application's build script to use the correct source location for Vera.Adapters.Rest.dll so that the script can successfully detect and embed the assembly's dependencies.

Enhancement Request


Implement Individual Check-in and Update All for Tosca Integration
The REST API calls for a "check in" and an "update all" will be issued to implement the modification of the Tosca entity.

Bug Report


Unrecognized Action when New Defect is created from Tools ->New defect before navigating to any other module
Add support for action "HeaderActions.HeaderNewDefect" and associate the action with item type "Defect".

Bug Report


Cannot update approval routes with invalid user names
Updated the VERA ALM OTA Adapter to support retaining non-existent user IDs in an approval route. Previously, the non-existent IDs caused an error when the system tried looking-up the user's full name. The system will now write the user ID in the approval route field by itself when the full name is not available.

VERA 2.6 – 27 NOV 2019


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Enhancement Request


Display the VERA version in the Windows Apps and Features
Changed product name and installer references to VERA for ALM v2.6 so that the product version is visible in Windows "Add or Remove Programs" configuration.

Bug Report


Special characters in Approval Route cause error when System Locale is not English
Perform replacement of invalid characters on all approval routes instead of only on failures.

Bug Report


Pre-execution approval enforcement logic is not sensitive to pinned baselines
The test execution logic has been updated to obtain the approval status of the test object as baselined if applicable.  Test-to-Test linkage constraint support has been implemented and the Test Execution Policy has been updated to allow test formal execution if the test and all called test cases are approved.

Bug Report


CSV Importer does not support default values on test steps
When importing a test, each field name is evaluated to determine if the field is a Test or Design Step field and update the correct field based on the default value specified in the Records Management Policy.

Bug Report


Run deleted by revising test and removing configuration
The workflow script has been modified to verify the existence of runs when multiple test configurations have been selected.  If a run is associated with the test configuration, deletion is prevented and the error message includes the test configuration number in the message text since multiple test configurations could have been selected. Deletion of test configurations without runs is completed even if some of the other test configurations in the selection group were prevented.

VERA 2.5 – 05 DEC 2018


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Enhancement Request


Support ALM 12.55 Patch 3 with VERA 2.x
The VERA automated regression test suite was executed against ALM 12.55 Patch 3 using the VERA 2.5 client and configurations.  No issues were detected, and so no additional work was required to establish support for Patch 3.

Bug Report


Disable Action Menu on Test Instance Details and Run Details windows in Test Lab module
This issue was resolved as a byproduct of fixing VF-474.  The Action Menu will no longer launch from within any dialog window of QC/ALM, thus avoiding this issue altogether.

Bug Report


Disable VERA GO button on Details/New screens
The VERA QC/ALM workflow script was updated to enforce that the Action Menu should not be accessible from any dialog window.  Any time the script detects that a dialog window is open, it will deny allowing the Action Menu to launch.

Enhancement Request


Tester can start the formal execution of tests when test status is not Approved
Implemented a Test Execution Policy that allows the configuration of Execution Types. These will define criteria for Test Sets and all associated Test Cases for the running of Tests. When this policy is present on a project, it replaces the default hard-coded rules.

Bug Report


VERA QC/ALM Workflow Script does not immediately evaluate constraints against all runs when doing Run Test Set
This issue was addressed as a byproduct of the implementation of the Test Execution Policy feature (VF-477).  Therefore, it is recommended that projects that require non-default test execution controls should implement those controls using a Test Execution Policy.  Projects with non-default test execution controls that do not make use of a Test Execution Policy may still be impacted by this defect.

Bug Report


CSV Importer: Data that overruns a field length is imported and truncated
The CSV Data Importer feature was updated to verify the configured length of each field in ALM prior to writing each imported value to QC/ALM.  If any imported value will exceed the maximum allowed field length, then the entire row from the CSV will not be imported and an error message will be included in the final summary. 

Regression / Test Failure


Dry Run "Attachment History" field is not defaulted correctly.
This issue was addressed as a byproduct of the implementation of the Test Execution Policy feature (VF-477).  Projects that do not make use of a Test Execution Policy may still be impacted by this defect.  Projects that do make use of a Test Execution Policy can address this issue by specifying a target record type from the Test Execution Policy and then specifying the necessary default values in the Records Management Policy definition for that record type. The VERA standard policy configurations implemented as a part of VF-477 also address this issue.

Bug Report


If a VERA action fails, it leaves the record checked out
The VERA core engine was updated to properly rollback pending transactions when an unexpected exception condition is encountered.

Bug Report


VERA Splash Screen - does not load in correct sequence
The VERA ALM OTA Adapter was updated to immediately display the VERA splash screen (with Cancel button) prior to downloading the in-context entity tree from ALM.  Now the Cancel button is available throughout the majority of the Action Menu loading sequence.



Step Status History - new parameter to enable step history
The VERA Installation and Deployment Guide was updated with new ALM 12.55 Site Parameter:  ENABLE_STEPS_HISTORY = Y. After setting the ENABLE_STEPS_HISTORY site parameter in Site Administration, you can now enable history for the Test Step System Fields in Project Customization which enables the audit log of following Test Run Step fields:
ST_STATUS: Execution Status

The VERA QC/ALM was updated to have audit history enabled for Test Run Steps by default.

NOTE:  This new functionality is only available in ALM 12.55+.  The configuration has no impact on prior versions of ALM.

VERA 2.4.1 – 15 NOV 2018


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Bug Report


Cannot Delete Test Set Folders
The VERA ALM OTA Adapter was updated to properly handle the internal exception that occurred when attempting to delete a test set folder.

Bug Report


Unhandled exception when moving a test folder VERA QC/ALM workflow script was updated to correctly invoke the enhanced functionality for evaluating move actions.

Enhancement Request


Append on Paste or Set Default Value on Smart Paste
Enhanced the VERA engine to support an "Append on Copy" field property in the records management policy.  When used, VERA will append the specified property value to the field's current value when copying the entity using Smart Copy/Paste.

This feature is not used in VERA's standard configurations.

Bug Report


The Testers field is not always initialized on new runs.
The VERA QC/ALM workflow script was updated to immediately post updates to the Testers field to the database.  This ensures that the values written to that field cannot be lost from other workflow actions.

Enhancement Request


MicroFocus ALM 14 support (SAAS)
The engine was updated to support authentication configurations in the Approval Policy.  These configurations enable users to specify an external application for verifying electronic signature credentials.  When configured, the VERA approval dialog will display a special button for authentication instead of directly prompting for a username and password. This new feature is not used in VERA's default configurations.

VERA 2.4 – 08 NOV 2018


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Bug Report


Focus moves to next step when VERA prevents execution status change because actual result was omitted
The VERA workflow script was updated to check the Actual results field during both associated workflow events:

  1. The "Action Can Execute" event for the "Pass Step" action.

  2. The "Field Can Change" event for the step Execution Status field.

Checking during the first event allows VERA to deny the Pass Step action directly when no Actual results are present.  When the action is directly denied, the Manual Runner will not advance to the next step. Maintaining the check during Field Can Change ensures that the Actual Results are checked during all status field updates, including direct edits to the Status field itself.

Bug Report


Vera email notification links open new session when there is already an active session
This issue was fixed as a result of fixing Defect 361.  Both issues shared the same exact root cause and were only different manifestations of the same behavior.  No changes were needed to fix this issue beyond the changes already implemented for Defect 361.

Bug Report


Removing the Routes section of the RMP causes an null value error
An internal bug was fixed in the VERA core engine such that the Routes element of the VERA Records Management Policy is no longer required by the policy parsing engine.

Bug Report


Entity Error Approving a defect
The encoding of data for signatures was changed to Unicode in order to detect changes to unicode characters when verifying signatures.

Bug Report


'Smart Copy' copies the Direct Cover Status of requirement entities
The VERA ALM OTA Adapter was updated to exclude the Direct Cover Status field from the Smart Paste operation.  This field will never be included as a matter of hard-coded configuration.

Bug Report


Renaming an Approval Policy attachment file and uploading a new file causes error.
This issue was documented as a known limitation in the VERA release notes.

Bug Report


Pressing Refresh during a test execution can purge the run's Change History
When red-lining a step in a run, posted changes to the Change History field so that a refresh on the main ALM window will not clear the field.

Bug Report


Test Runs unexpectedly reset to draft.
Fixed an issue where if the Manual Runner was open and a previously executed Run was selected in the main ALM window, that run would be reset to Draft and have the Attachment History reset.

Bug Report


Error in field update constraints for run step fields
The ALM Adapter was updated to properly process updates to Run Step Fields during State-based Field Updates.

Bug Report


Adding a constraint to update test case designer step field results in VERA error
The ALM Adapter was updated to properly process updates to Test Step Fields during State-based Field Updates.

Enhancement Request


Record Type Inheritance
The VERA Core Library and the VERA QC/ALM Workflow script were updated to add support for Records Management Policy record types that can declare another type as a base type.  No configuration changes were made as a part of this change.  Associated configuration changes will be made under separate enhancement requests (for example, VF-365).

Enhancement Request


Cache Approver username on subsequent signings
VERA client updated to auto populate the username field in the signature dialog after successfully approving an entity with electronic signature in the current ALM session.

Enhancement Request


Project Parameters
Updated the VERA Windows client and the VERA QC/ALM script to support a Project Parameter Policy file with a Project Parameters dialog that can be accessed from the VERA Action Menu.  The Project Parameter Policy file enables policy administrators to define the project parameters that are available for configuration.  Using the Records Management Policy, policy administrators can control access to two new actions:  View Project Parameters and Configure Project Parameters.  The former provides read-only visibility to project parameter settings and the latter provides edit access to the project parameter values.  Via the dialog, users with edit access can only modify the current values of the parameters made available from the policy file.  Parameters can only be added/removed by editing the policy file directly.

No configurations were updated to support this enhancement.  The project parameter feature is optional and is not available by default.

Enhancement Request


Allow configuring "General" approval tasks (not associated with a group)
Updated the VERA Windows Client to support general approval tasks, which are approval tasks in an approval policy that are not associated with any specific role.  When included in a route template, users will be prompted to select an approval role for these tasks at the time an approval route is started.

The VERA Windows Client was also updated to improve the feature that pre-populates approval route configurations based on the last-used approval route for a record.  This feature will support general approval tasks by pre-populating the last-used approval role when the Configure Approval Route screen is displayed.

The VERA default policy files were NOT impacted by these changes.  General approval tasks are not included in the VERA Standard Approval Policy.

Enhancement Request


Risk Assessments: calculate in "real-time" and allow on any req. type
Implemented real-time Risk Assessment calculations based on a Risk Assessment Policy. The display of Risk Assessment related fields can also be controlled (i.e. grouped together) using a new UI Configurations file. The Risk Assessment calculation feature also works when risk-assessed requirements are imported using the VERA CSV Importer.

Enhancement Request


Use major/minor numbering for revision numbering
Enhancement the Increment Action Element to be able to increment Integer-based and Segment-based numbers.

Bug Report


Error Verifying Raw Signatures Across Time Zones
The JSON parsing settings in the VERA Signature library were updated to preserve the original time zone of a signature's time stamp.  The VERA Signature Verification feature was updated to provide backward compatibility with signatures impacted by this issue prior to this fix.  The Verification feature will detect the signature's original time zone and use that time zone for hash verification.

Bug Report


VERA doesn't respect Level Order Lock in Approval Route if the Approval Route field has a different order already
The Core Engine was updated to significantly improve the logic for applying last-used configurations to an approval route when it is restarted.  This issue was fixed as a subset of those changes.  Reference backlog item 371/VF-425 for more information.

Bug Report


Email notification link contains the senders user id instead of the receivers with HTTPS
Fixed an issue in which the QC/ALM entity URLs embedded in VERA email notifications contained the user ID of the incorrect user when generatedfor an HTTPS server.  This issue was fixed by changing the protocol format from 'testdirector:[s]' to 'tds'.

Bug Report


Unrecognized action: Execution Grid.Run in test board of test set module for ALM 12.55
The VERA workflow script was updated to handle the "Run", "Run with Manual Runner", and "Continue Manual Run" actions from the test set folder Test Board view in the Test Lab module.  All three actions are blocked by the workflow script, because workflow rules may not be consistently enforced from this view.  For the "Run" and "Run with Manual Runner" commands, the user is instructed to select a test set and execute the run from the Execution Grid.  For "Continue Manual Run", the user is instructed to select a test instance and continue the run from the Runs view.

Enhancement Request


CSV File Importer (formerly Excel Add-in for VERA)
Created a new way to import data from CSV (Comma Separated Values) files into VERA. The new VERA CSV Data Importer uses the project's Records Management Policy (and Risk Assessment Policy, if available) to import Requirements or Tests in a way that respects the workflow for the project.

Enhancement Request


FRA on Functional Requirements
All VERA policy files were updated by replacing the Risk Scenario record type with a Risk Requirement record type.  The Risk Requirement record type is a subtype of the standard Requirement record type with the following additional configurations:

  1. It applies to requirement entities in QC/ALM with a Requirement Type value of either Risk Scenario or Functional.

  2. It extends the standard requirement data fields to also include risk fields:  Risk Severity, Risk Probability, Risk Detectability, Risk Class, Risk Priority, and Mitigation Strategy.

  3. It extends the rules for the Start Approval Routes action to enforce that a calculated Risk Priority is required for Risk Scenario requirements and optional for Functional requirements.  Furthermore, a Mitigation Strategy is required for any requirement with a Risk Priority of 1-High.

The VERA Standard QC/ALM template was modified by:

  1. Removing the Risk Status field from the Risk Scenario requirement type and replacing it with the standard Status field used by other requirement types.

  2. Adding the Risk Severity, Risk Probability, Risk Detectability, Risk Class, Risk Priority, and Mitigation Strategy fields to the Functional requirement type.
    NOTE 1:  Any existing project accepting these standard configurations will require an administrative SQL operation to:

  3. Move the status value of Risk Scenario requirements from the Risk Status field to the Status field.

  4. Convert any 'Calculated' state values to be 'Draft'. This should be done prior to applying cross-project customizations, and it only impacts projects using Risk Scenarios. NOTE 2:  Adding/removing the risk assessment feature to/from requirement types is a two-step operation:

  5. Update the requirement types associated with the Risk Requirement record type in the Records Management Policy.

  6. Update the QC/ALM template configurations to add/remove the risk fields to/from the requirement type.

Enhancement Request


Prevent updating Testers field when Continue Run is cancelled
The VERA QC/ALM workflow script was modified to update the Testers field with a new tester's user ID after the Begin Run action, instead of immediately when the Manual Runner is displayed. NOTE:  This resolution was already implemented in a limited branch of the VERA source code intended to support QC/ALM version 11.52.  It was implemented there as a patch for a bug in the QC/ALM 11.52 workflow engine.  Reference VF-410 for more information.

VERA 2.3 – 30 MAY 2018


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Bug Report


VERA uses an unsupported version of the MS .NET Framework
The VERA Windows Client was upgraded from the Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.0 to version 4.5.2.  MS .NET 4.0 is no longer supported by Microsoft, and version 4.5.2 is the current, minimum supported version.

NOTE:  This change has impacted the minimum installation requirements for PCs using the VERA Windows Client.  The machines must have the .NET Framework version 4.5.2 installed.



Add Silent Install instructions for VERA client to Install Guide A new section (Section 2.2.2) was added to the Installation and Deployment Guide (TX3.1022.GUI.004) describing the steps to run a silent installation.

Bug Report


Cannot Reopen Defect that had been routed for approval The VERA core engine was updated to allow Revising/Re-opening records that have a "Not Started" approval route in the Approval Route field.  This fix allows for the following event sequence on a defect:

  1. Route a GxP defect for approval.

  2. Cancel the approval route.

  3. Reclassify the defect to be non-GxP.

  4. Directly close the defect without approval.

  5. Reopen the defect. Prior to this fix, an error was generated when attempting to reopen such a defect (on Step 5, above). NOTE:  This fix also prevents the same issue from occurring in the Test Lab module on test sets:

  6. Route a GxP test set for pre-execution approval.

  7. Cancel the approval route.

  8. Reclassify the test set to be non-GxP.

  9. Directly transition the test set to be Ready for Execution.

  10. Revise the test set.

Enhancement Request


VERA support for Tosca integration

VERA Core Engine Update The VERA Core Engine was updated to support cross-system workflow synchronizations between QC/ALM and Tosca.  This feature is enabled by:

  1. Adding a Synchronization Policy file to the QC/ALM root requirement attachments (with the other policy files)

  2. Updating the appropriate record types in the Records Management Policy file to contain a system definition for Tosca.

  3. Configuring a VERA Sync ID field in both systems that can be used by the system to correlate synchronized records across systems.

The Synchronization Policy file, RMP updates, and the VERA Sync ID field(s) were not added to the VERA default configurations.  Therefore, no synchronization is enabled by default.
New System Adapters Two system adapters were added to the VERA Windows Client to support interfacing with the Tricentis Tosca system:  the VERA REST Adapter and the VERA Tosca REST Adapter.  These system adapters were added to the default VERA Windows Client installation, though they will not be used by the system if synchronizations with Tosca are not enabled.

VERA 2.2 – 03 APR 2018


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Enhancement Request


Add support for State-based constraints for actions in the ALM workflow Added support for the following constraints to both the ALM Workflow and VERA Core: "State Is", "State Is One Of", "State Is Not", "State Is Not One Of", "Record Type Is", "Record Type Is One Of", "Record Type Is Not", "Record Type Is Not One Of". This will enable support for integration of VERA projects with SAP Solution Manager.

Bug Report


Action Menu can expand beyond the edge of the user's screen
The VERA Windows Client was updated to enforce a maximum size for the VERA Action Menu.  When the Action Menu contains too many buttons for its size limit, then a vertical scroll bar will appear to allow scrolling through the available buttons that are not immediately visible.  A maximum vertical height of 500px was established for the scrollable button area.

Bug Report


Continue Manual Runner - Existing run message typo The VERA QC/ALM workflow script was updated to fix the typo in the "Existing Run Detected" warning message.  The VERA User Guide was updated with a corrected screen shot.

Enhancement Request


Signature verification Replacing legacy eApprove signature verification with VERA signature verification report that can be generated by VERA administrators.   The signature verification report will render in HTML providing a summary of verification results and details of record failures.

Enhancement Request


Consecutive failed signature email notification The Notifications Policy was enhanced to provide configuration settings for 'Consecutive Failed Signature' notifications.  Policy Administrators can specify the number of consecutive failed signature attempts that will trigger a notification, and they can configure the user groups, user IDs, and/or email addresses that will receive an email notification when the threshold is reached.  The default configuration is a threshold of 5 consecutive failed signatures, and the Policy Administrators group will receive the notification. The electronic approval feature of the VERA Windows client was updated to enforce the 'Consecutive Failed Signatures' policy.  The application will track consecutive failed signature attempts within a single login session.  Each time the user fails to provide valid credentials at the signature prompt, a warning will display that indicates the number of attempts that remain before they reach the configured threshold.  If the threshold is reached, then an email notification will be sent to the user and to the configured list of recipients.  The user will also then be prevented from completing additional signature attempts until they reset their login session.  A successful signature will reset the count of consecutive failed signatures.

VERA 2.1.1 – 27 FEB 2018


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Bug Report


ALM 12.55: Attachment History is not populated when Routing Run for Approval In ALM 12.55, the AUDIT_ATTACHMENTS site parameter needs to be set to 'Y' for the run Attachment History feature to work correctly.  The VERA 2 Deployment and Installation Guide was updated to recommend this setting.

Bug Report


VERA Change History field does not use standardized date/time stamp format The VERA ALM workflow script was updated so that the test run "Change History" feature will record audit entries using the VERA standard format of:  yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz.   The feature was also updated to use the current user's local time (with UTC offset) instead of the server time, which is in alignment with the VERA standard functionality. The VERA core plugin was updated with a similar time stamp format for the Attachment History field.  It is formatted identically to the VERA standard format, with the exception that the UTC offset is replaced with a "(Server Time)" indicator:   yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss (Server Time)

Bug Report


Workflow script error when selecting Release and Cycle for Defects
The VERA ALM workflow script was updated to provide generic exception handling for fields with non-standard data types (typically, fields that link to other modules).  This change resolves the reported issue, and it also guards against future issues for non-standard fields, such as fields created by ALM extensions. (For example, build-related fields in the ALI extension could have had the same issue.) The workflow script was also updated to associate the Target Release and Target Cycle fields with the "Link to Release" and "Link to Cycle" actions.  The default records management policy was updated to allow the default editors and Release Managers to execute those actions in any workflow state.  (This change establishes consistency with the corresponding rules in other modules.)

Bug Report


Incorrect error message displayed when blocking the edit link functionality for test coverage from requirements module
The design of the Records Management Policy was enhanced to support for a "Description" element on Execution Rules and Action Exceptions.  The Description can be used as built-in documentation for any configured rule.  The Description will be used as the error message for negative (Deny) business rules. The VERA ALM workflow script was updated to use the Description as the error message when a 'Deny' rule is enforced, assuming a Description is available for that rule.  The VERA core engine was updated to enforce the same functionality in the Action Menu.

VERA 2.1 – 01 FEB 2018


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Enhancement Request


Convert 'Revision History' to be 'Revision Reason'
Updated the VERA ALM template to rename the requirement Revision History field to be Revision Reason

  • Updated the VERA ALM template to rename the test case Revision History field to be Revision Reason

  • Updated the records management policy so that the following actions overwrite the Revision Reason field with a revision reason, instead of appending a revision reason to Revision History:

    • Revise (requirements and test cases)

    • Obsolete (requirements and test cases)

    • Un-Obsolete (requirements and test cases)

    • Defer (requirements)

    • Un-Defer (requirements)

Bug Report


Error occurs between runs when using Run Test Set with the Execution Status set to Read Only Fixed an issue where an error would occur between runs when using the Run Test Set button.



Add Cancelled and Obsolete states to test sets Reference backlog item # 266 for summary release notes of this enhancement.

Bug Report


Revision History localizes the date stamp based on the current user's PC settings, instead of using a standardized format The VERA Core Plugin was updated to use a centralized formatting function to ensure all features use the same date/time formatting.  The plugin uses the 'yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss zzz' format for all date/time stamps generated by the engine. The VERA Core Plugin was also updated to provide a local time server utility that will provide the local machine's current time for time-based operations. The VERA ALM OTA adapter was updated to utilize the local time server of the Core plugin instead of the ALM time server that was used previously.

Enhancement Request


"Append To"/"Required Reason" should have date and Time instead of only date. Updated the VERA Core plugin to ensure that all transition reasons contain a time stamp in addition to the date stamp.  This is a non-configurable property, all transition reasons will contain the time stamp moving forward.

Enhancement Request


Change step Status label to Execution Status Changed the Test Step Status field to be labeled Execution Status for consistency between entities and VERA versions.

Bug Report


Failure on smart copy/paste test set due to missing Change History field Fixed smart copy and paste issue with Test Set by removing references to Change History field on test set.

Bug Report

VF-325, VF-326

TestSet_IsDryRun and Run_MoveTo use the wrong state fields Fixed issues where the dry run fields were not initialized correctly when Test Set and Test Run were configured to have different names by ensuring that the correct state fields were checked.

Bug Report


Test Set Designer is able to execute the Test Set in Draft status In certain instances, a Test Set Designer can use the Run button to begin to execute a Test regardless of group membership, Test Set Status or Test Status. The Run cannot be saved since some required (but not editable) fields are missing. This behavior was only reproducible in HP ALM 11.52.

Bug Report


Error in Defect Module: Unhandled Exception When Selecting Subject Fixed the issue where setting the Subject field in a Defect would cause an unhandled exception.

Bug Report

VF-318, VF314

Missing Actions Added the following missing actions to the workflow script: Test Lab.HostManager (and related additional actions) CommandList.Rename

Bug Report


Run Test Set action does not populate all run fields Fixed the issue where running multiple tests with the Run Test Set button would not populate fields for any run other than the first.

Bug Report


Requirement Author unable to create a requirement when requirement folders Editors is set to Requirement Managers. Fixed the issue where a user who was not allowed to create Requirement Folders could not create any Requirements if the last selected Requirement was a folder.

Bug Report


VERA plugins do not enforce hard version references between each other Updated the VERA plugins to be built using strong names.  This forces the .NET runtime to resolve plugin dependencies using the correct versions of the plugins.  The ALM workflow script was also updated to improve the error handling that occurs when a versioned-dependency cannot be located.

Enhancement Request


Add ability to configure automatic state transitions of linked records when transitioning source record Updated the VERA plugins to support Linked Transitions as an optional configuration element in the Records Management Policy.  For each transition configuration, Policy Admins can specify linked transitions that will occur as a result of the base transition.  A linked transition will occur on linked records of a specified type, given that all specified constraints (if any) are satisfied.

No changes were made to the default records management policy, and so this configuration feature remains unused in the default VERA configurations.

Enhancement Request


Implement approval functionality for test sets in ALM.

VERA Plugins:  The VERA ALM Adapter was updated to support the data hashing functionality of VERA's electronic signatures on test set records.  All other features associated with this enhancement were already implemented as a result of other Test Lab features in VERA 2.0.

Records Management Policy: The default Records Management Policy was updated to specify both pre-execution and post-execution approval workflows for GxP-relevant test sets.  The following actions for test sets were defined (or redefined, as applicable):
New Actions:

  • Start Pre-Execution Approval Route(s):  Route a test set for pre-execution approval.  Applies to GxP-relevant test sets only.  Transition:  Draft --> Routing for Pre-Execution Approval

  • Withdraw Pre-Execution Approval Route(s):  Withdraw a test set from pre-execution approval.  Transition:  Routing for Pre-Execution Approval or Pre-Execution - Rejected --> Draft

  • Approval Task(s):  Approve, reject, or reassign a test set that is routing for pre-execution approval.  Transition:  Routing for Pre-Execution Approval --> Ready for Execution or Pre-Execution - Rejected

  • Start Post-Execution Approval Route(s):  Route a test set for post-execution approval.  Applies to GxP-relevant test sets only.  Transition:  Ready for Execution or Complete --> Routing for Post-Execution Approval

  • Withdraw Post-Execution Approval Route(s):  Withdraw a test set from post-execution approval.  Transition:  Routing for Post-Execution Approval or Post-Execution - Rejected --> Ready for Execution

  • Approval Task(s):  Approve, reject, or reassign a test set that is routing for post-execution approval.  Transition:  Routing for Post-Execution Approval --> Approved or Post-Execution - Rejected

  • Reassign Task(s) as Admin:  Reassign pre-execution or post-execution approval tasks from one approver to another.

Changes to Existing Actions:

  • Start Test Set(s):  Is only available for non-GxP-relevant test sets

  • Revise Test Set(s):  Enhanced to increment a revision number and to require a revision reason.

  • Smart Paste:  Updated to reset the new approval-related fields.  (Approval Route, Signatures, etc.)

  • Smart Delete:  Updated to prevent deleting test sets that are Revision 2 or greater.  Existing rules will remain.

The editability rules for test sets were updated to prevent editing data fields and adding/removing test instances in test sets that are pre-execution approved.

Approval Policy:  A default approval policy was defined for all test set approval routes:  Content Originator --> Business --> Quality

Notification Policy:  The notification policy was updated to enable email notifications for test set approval tasks and task assignment tasks.

Enhancement Request


Create constraints for test cases that query requirement fields Implemented a constraint to check field values of linked records. This will allow for a constraint to check the fields of Requirements that are covered by a Test.

Enhancement Request


Warn Tester about Existing Test Run Updated the workflow script with a hard-coded feature that will warn a tester when they use the Run command on a test instance for which there is an existing Passed or Not Completed test run.  Dry Run test sets are exempted from this feature.

Enhancement Request


New Defect or Link existing Defect should be required if user selects "Passed with Incident" or "Failed" run step status Updated the workflow script to support an "Update Rules" property of field configurations in the Records Management Policy.  This property can be used to specify rules enforcing when a specific field may be updated to a specific value.  No updates were made to the default Records Management Policy to make use of this configuration item.

Enhancement Request


Additional Approvers should be added before the final approver as defined in record management policy Updated the VERA plugins to support "Always Last" as an optional configuration element in the Approval Policy.  For each approval route template, Policy Admins can specify that the task in the final level of the route must always be the last task in the route.  This configuration will cause VERA to enforce that those approvers are in the final configured task level when an approval route is started, and also that they are exclusively in the final task level.

No changes were made to the default approval policy, and so this configuration feature remains unused in the default VERA configurations.

Enhancement Request


Support multiple approval cycles within a single life cycle Updates to the VERA Core Plugin:

  • Created a "Route Type" definition that supports configuration of the meaning and workflow states associated with a route type.

  • Updated the VERA Records Management Policy schema to include a listing of Route Type definitions.

  • Update the VERA Approval Policy schema to support associating a route template with a route type.

  • Updated format of VERA signatures to include a 'route type' designation

  • Added support for selectively clearing signatures based on the associated route type.

Updates to the VERA ALM OTA Adapter

  • Removed usage of hard-coded 'Approved', 'Rejected', and 'Closed' route transition states from the ALM OTA Adapter.

  • Updated format of Approval Route field to include the name of the Route type

Updates to the Records Management Policy

  • Defined a Pre-Execution Approval route type

  • Defined a Post-Execution Approval route type

  • Added two new actions to start pre-execution and post-execution approval routes for test sets

  • Added two new actions to withdraw pre-execution and post-execution approval routes for test sets

  • Added the following workflow states to test sets:  Routing for Pre-Execution Approval, Rejected - Pre-Execution, Routing for Post-Execution Approval, Rejected - Post-Execution, and Approved

Update to the VERA ALM 12.53 template

  • Added the following fields to test set entities:  Approval Route, Pending Tasks, Signatures, Signatures (Raw), and Rejection Reason - Updated the test set Status field list to reflect the updated list of workflow states (described above)

Enhancement Request


Implement ability to specify the end-state of an approved record. This feature was implemented as a by-product of implementing VF-289.  The enhancement to support multiple route types allows an admin to specify the end-state of each configured route type.  No additional changes are necessary to implement this feature.

Enhancement Request


Support approval route templates with locked task sequences.

Updated the VERA plugins to support "Lock Task Order" as an optional configuration element in the Approval Policy.  Wherever this attribute is applied, the associated approval tasks will have locked task orders, meaning that the task(s) cannot be reassigned to another level of approval while configuring/starting an approval route.  This property can be applied to the entire approval policy, one or more route templates, one or more levels within a route template, or to one or more tasks within a level.

No changes were made to the default approval policy, and so this configuration feature remains unused in the default VERA configurations.

Enhancement Request


Implement Dry Run Test Sets
Added ability to set Test Sets to Dry Run and create Dry Runs.

Bug Report


Cannot execute test runs when the Test Case status field is renamed Fixed bug where you could not run Tests if the Status field was renamed.

Bug Report


The Field = Name does not exist on the current record Fixed issue where the Test Instance Name was not displayed in VERA dialogs for ALM 11.52.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Defect Task' No changes were necessary to implement this feature. This feature was automatically implemented as a by-product of fixing backlog item 214.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Defect Approval' No changes were necessary to implement this feature. This feature was automatically implemented as a by-product of fixing backlog item 214.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Test Run Task' No changes were necessary to implement this feature. This feature was automatically implemented as a by-product of fixing backlog item 214.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Test Run Approval'

No changes were necessary to implement this feature.  This feature was automatically implemented as a by-product of fixing backlog item 214.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Test Case Task' No changes were necessary to implement this feature. This feature was automatically implemented as a by-product of fixing backlog item 214.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Test Case Approval' No changes were necessary to implement this feature. This feature was automatically implemented as a by-product of fixing backlog item 214.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Requirement Task'
No changes were necessary to implement this feature. This feature was automatically implemented as a by-product of fixing backlog item 214.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Requirement Approval'
No changes were necessary to implement this feature. This feature was automatically implemented as a by-product of fixing backlog item 214.

Bug Report


Task cancelled and task withdrawn email configuration incorrect
Corrected Task Emails. Enabled emails for Test Runs.

Enhancement Request


Create constraints for test sets that query test case and test run fields
Updated the ALM Adapter plugin to streamline and enhance supporting cross-entity link/field checking.  The adapter now supports verifying linkages between requirements, test cases, test sets, test runs, and defects, in any combination.

Enhancement Request


Support custom actions in VERA 2x
Added support for custom actions through the Records Management Policy and custom workflow scripts attached to the Root Requirement.

Enhancement Request


Implement User Story 'Edit Test Results'
Updated the default Records Management Policy to allow Testers to edit the Run Execution Status, Step Execution Status, and Actual Results fields of a test run when the run is in the Draft state.  Added hard-coded logic to the workflow script to enforce that a Change Reason is always required to edit the Run Status field.  It also enforces that a Change Reason is required when changing the Step Execution Status or Actual Results, but only after the Step Execution Status has been set to a value other than No Run.  The change reasons are stored in a new field on the run entity called Change History.

Enhancement Request


Implement a standard GAMP 5 risk assessment in VERA 2.x
Added the ability to create Risk Scenarios and perform a GAMP 5 risk assessment on those scenarios.

VERA 2.0 – 20 OCT 2017


ID #

Name / Description


ID #

Name / Description

User Story


Assign Test Set Folder to Cycle
Updated workflow script to support controlling linkage between a test set folder and a cycle.  Updated the records management policy with an additional rule to allow this feature for Release Managers. (Test Set Designers received it by default.)  Documented a known limitation with the Assigned to Cycle field.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Log Testers'
Updated the workflow script to initialized the Testers field when a run is created, and also to conditionally update the Testers field when a run execution is continued.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Continue Formal Test Execution'
Updated the workflow script to allow continuing a run when the run is editable.  Also added a special rule to prevent continuing a run from the Execution Grid.

Bug Report


Defect "Approved" should be set to "Y" for approved defects and "N" for all others
Updated the records management policy to ensure that the Approved field of a defect record is set to Y when entering the Closed workflow state with signatures.  Otherwise, the field is set to N when closing.  Also added a configuration that the field will be updated to N when setting to the Open state.



Missing requirement for initializing a blank Revision Number on Start Approval Route
A new user story with acceptance criteria was created to document the initialization of a blank Revision Number while routing for approval.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Reassign Task (Admin)'
Updated the records management policy to configure the Defect Administrator role as the default admin role for defect records and to enable the Reassign Tasks as Admin feature for defect records.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Reassign Task (Admin)'
Updated the records management policy to configure the Requirement Administrator role as the default admin role for requirement records and to enable the Reassign Tasks as Admin feature for requirement records.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Basic Transitions'
Updated the workflow script and ALM OTA Adapter to support the Test Runs module.  Updated the records management policy to expand the Cancel and Cancel actions to include Test Runs.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Basic Transitions'
Updated the workflow script and ALM OTA Adapter to support the VERA Action Menu in the Test Lab module.  Updated the Records Management Policy with the following actions:

  • Start Test Set(s):  Transition a test set to Ready for Execution

  • Complete Test Set(s):  Transition a test set to Complete

  • Revise Test Set(s):  Transition a test set to Draft

User Story


Implement user story 'Formal Test Execution (Standard)'
Updated the workflow script to support the creation and execution of test runs (including enforcing pre-execution approval rules).  Updated the records management policy to implement the default configurations for test run field editability and default values.

User Story


Cannot rename the Status field
The core engine was updated to entirely reference the status field configured by the records management policy when transitioning records through a workflow.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Create from Requirement'
Updated the workflow to recognize the 'Convert to Tests' action and to associate that action with the permissions for creating new test cases.  No updates were necessary for the records management policy.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Assign to Cycle'
Updated the workflow script to evaluate the availability of the "Assign to Cycle" action and the editability of the Target Cycle field of a requirement with the "Edit Link to Cycle" configurations.  Updated the records management policy to configure that a Requirement Author or Release Manager can edit the linkage between requirements and cycles.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Assign To Release'
Updated the workflow script to evaluate the availability of the "Assign to Release" action and the editability of the Target Release field of a requirement with the "Edit Link to Release" configurations.  Updated the records management policy to configure that a Requirement Author or Release Manager can edit the linkage between requirements and releases.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Basic Transitions'
Added the following basic transitions for defects: Defer, Open Investigation, Start Verification, Reset to New, Close, Reopen

User Story


Implement User Story 'Basic Transitions'
Updated the Records Management Policy to support the following actions on requirements: Requirement Author:

  • Cancel:  Transition from "Draft" to "Cancelled"

  • Uncancel:  Transition from "Cancelled" to "Draft"

Requirement Manager:

  • Obsolete: Transition from "Approved" to "Obsolete", with transition reason

  • Un-Obsolete: Transition from "Obsolete" to "Approved", with transition reason

  • Defer: Transition from "Approved" to "Deferred", with transition reason

  • Un-Defer: Transition from "Deferred" to "Approved", with transition reason

NOTE: The flag for a transition reason was added to the Obsolete and Un-Obsolete actions.  This was previously "hard-coded" functionality that has now been made configurable.  This necessitates a retest of those transitions for test case records.



Execute test 253 rev 2 step 2

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Defect Link (w/ Create)'
Added the ability for a general user to create and link a Defect to a Requirement.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Copy'
Added Smart Copy for Test Sets and Test Set Folders.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Withdraw Approval Route'
Added the ability to withdraw Runs from approval routes.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Start Approval Route'
Updated the Approval Policy with approval routes for Test Run record types.  Updated the Records Management Policy with additional definition details about Test Run record types to support the routing for approval feature.  Also, updated the Records Management Policy to enable "Start Approval Routes" action for the Test Run record type.  Updated the VERA plug-ins to trigger the Attachment History feature when routing a test run for approval.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Reject'
No changes were needed to implement this feature.  This feature was automatically implemented while implementing the 'Approve' feature.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Reassign Task (Admin)'
Updated the Records Management Policy to define Test Administrators as the default admins of test runs, and also to enable the Reassign Task feature for test runs.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Approve'
Updated the Records Management Policy to enable the Start Approval Routes action for test runs, and also to specify the data fields of a test run.  Updated the Approval Policy with the default approval routes for test runs.  Updated the ALM Adapter with support for generating signature hashes for test runs (with steps).

User Story


Implement User Story 'Copy'
The VERA plugins and records management policy were updated to support the Smart Copy feauture on requirement records.  The plugins were also updated to remove the feature to copy linkages when copying entities.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Revise'
Updated the VERA Engine to allow transition reasons and number increments to be configurable for each transaction.  Updated the records management policy such that the Revise action explicitly requires a transition reason and increments the Revision Number.  Also updated the Records Management Policy to specify Requirement Manager as a default manager for requirements, which grants them access to the Revise feature.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Withdraw Approval Route'
The default Records Management Policy was updated to allow Requirement Authors and Policy Administrators to withdraw approval routes on requirement records that are in the Routing for Approval or Rejected states.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Start Approval Route'
The default Records Management Policy was updated to enable Requirement Authors to start approval routes for requirement records that are in the Draft status.  Also, the default Approval Policy was updated to include the default approval routes for requirement records as specified by the VERA configuration requirements.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Reject'
Fixed minor issues in the VERA ALM OTA adapter to support rejecting records from the HP ALM Requirements module.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Approve'
Fixed minor issues in the VERA ALM OTA adapter to support approving records from the HP ALM Requirements module.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Withdraw Approval Route'
Added the ability to withdraw a defect from the approval route.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Start Approval Route'
Added the ability to route Defects for approvals.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Reject'
Updated the default Records Management Policy to activate the Approval Tasks feature for defect records.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Approve'
Updated the default Records Management Policy to activate the Approval Tasks feature for defect records.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Requirement Context'
No changes were necessary to implement this feature.  This feature has remained unimpacted from the VERA 1.x releases.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Defect Context'
No changes were necessary to implement this feature.  This feature has remained unimpacted from the VERA 1.x releases.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Delete'
Updated the ALM Adapter to support deleting test set folders.  Updated the records management policy to allow the Smart Delete action for test set folders.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Delete'
Updated the ALM Adapter to support deleting test set folders.  Updated the records management policy to allow the Smart Delete action for test set folders.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Delete'
Implemented the Smart Delete action for requirements.  The default configurations are that Requirement Authors and Requirement Administrators can use the Smart Delete feature for requirements that are Draft, Revision 1, and have no hierarchical children.  This default configuration can be modified through the records management policy.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Obsolete'
Added the Obsolete Action for Tests. Implemented the ability to have an action only available for a state if a field value condition is met.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Run Initialization'
Added the ability to initialize fields in a Run from the associated Test Case or Test Set.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Baseline Pinning'
Updated the workflow script to add a hard-coded configuration that the Pin/Unpin Baseline actions are not permitted when a test set contains runs.  Also, updated the workflow script to enforce the editability of the Baseline field of test set records to follow the same rules as the Pin/Unpin actions.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Blacklist'
Updated the workflow script to prevent a user from logging into a VERA project when they are assigned to the Developer, Project Manager, or QATester user groups.  Implemented an exception that TDAdmin permissions supersede the blacklisted user roles thus always allowing a TDAdmin to login to a project.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Attachments'
Updated the workflow script to support records management of defect records, and updated the Records Management Policy to enforce that Defect Managers, Testers, and Defect Creators can edit a defect's attachments when in the New, Open, Ready to Verify, and Deferred states.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Unlink Other'
Updated the workflow script to support records management of defect records, and updated the Records Management Policy to ensure all users are permitted to remove links between defects and non-defect records.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Link Requirement'
Updated the workflow script to support records management of defect records, and updated the Records Management Policy to ensure all users are permitted to add links between defects and requirements.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Defect Link'
Updated the workflow script to support records management of defect records, and updated the Records Management Policy to ensure all users are permitted to edit links between defects.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Metadata'
Updated the workflow script to support records management of defect records, and updated the Records Management Policy to enforce that Defect Managers, Testers, and Defect Creators can edit the non-data fields of a defect when in the New, Open, Ready to Verify, and Deferred states.  The data fields are defined by configuration requirement: Vera.DftRcrdsMgmtPlcy.Dfcts.Flds.Data

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Data'
Updated the workflow script to support records management of defect records, and updated the Records Management Policy to enforce that Defect Managers, Testers, and Defect Creators can edit the data fields of a defect when in the New, Open, Ready to Verify, and Deferred states.  The data fields are defined by configuration requirement: Vera.DftRcrdsMgmtPlcy.Dfcts.Flds.Data

User Story


Implement User Story 'Duplicate'
Updated the workflow script to support records management of defect records, and updated the Records Management Policy to enforce that no users can copy defects.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Delete' Updated the workflow script to support records management of defect records, and updated the Records Management Policy to enforce that no users can delete defects.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Create'
Updated the workflow script to support records management of defect records, and updated the Records Management Policy to ensure all users are permitted to create defects.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Comment' Updated the default Records Management Policy such that any user can use the Add Comment button and edit the Comments field of a defect when the Status is New, Opened, Ready to Verify, or Deferred. 

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Attachments' No changes were necessary to implement this feature.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Defect Link'
Added the ability to edit defect links to Runs.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Metadata' No changes were necessary to implement this feature.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Data' Updated the records management policy with complete set of run and run step fields identified as data fields.  Updated the workflow script with a hard-coded feature to prevent editing the Actual and Status fields of a run step outside of Manual Runner.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Delete' Added a message to indicate the deletion of Runs is disabled.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Comment' Added the ability for users to enter comments on Runs when the run is editable.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Attachments' No changes were necessary to implement this feature.  This feature was automatically implemented as a by-product of the user stories 'Vera.HpAlm.RecMgmt.TstSetFldrs.Create' and  'Vera.HpAlm.RecMgmt.TstSets.Attach'.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Move' Updated the workflow script to support the cut/paste actions on test set folders.  No updates were necessary to the configurations, as this story follows default user permissions.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Metadata' No changes were necessary to implement this feature.  This feature was automatically implemented as a by-product of the user story 'Vera.HpAlm.RecMgmt.TstSetFldrs.Create'.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Duplicate'
No changes were necessary to implement this feature.  This feature was automatically implemented as a by-product of the user story 'Vera.HpAlm.RecMgmt.TstSets.Duplicate'.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Delete' Implemented the message to inform users to use the VERA Smart Delete.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Create' Added the ability to create Test Set Folders.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Attachments' Added the ability for Test Set Designers to add, edit and remove attachments when a Test Set is in an editable state.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Test Case Link'
Updated workflow to add support for actions associated with adding/removing test instances.  Also updated workflow with a hard-coded rule that test instances cannot be removed when they are associated with test runs.  No update to the records management policy was necessary.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Move'
Updated the records management policy to allow Test Managers to move test sets in any workflow state.  (Test Set Designers already had the necessary permissions.)  Updated the workflow to add support for the test set cut/paste actions.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Defect Link' Updated the records management policy to allow any user to link a new or existing defect to a test set.  Also, fixed a bug in which the Defect Creator editability functionality did not work correctly outside of the Defects module, thus preventing a Defect Creator from submitting a new defect from Test Lab.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Metadata' Updated the workflow script to ensure that the editability of a test set and test instance follows the configuration of the records management policy.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Duplicate' Updated the workflow script to display a message directing the user to use Smart Copy every time the user selects use the native copy feature on a test set.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Delete' Added a message to inform users to use the Smart Delete feature to delete Test Sets.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Create' Created a default configuration for the Test Set record type with Test Set Designer as the default editor.  Updated with workflow script with basic functionality for test sets and Test Lab (including always/never allowed actions).

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Attachments' Added the ability for Requirement Authors to add, edit and remove attachments from a Requirement when it is in the Draft State.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Duplicate'
Added a message to indicate that the Copy action is not allowed and to direct the user to the Smart Copy feature.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Defect Link' Added the ability for any user to add or remove from a Requirement a link to an existing Defect.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Test Case Link'
Added the ability for Requirement Authors and Test Designers to edit links from Requirements to Test Cases.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Move' Added the ability for Requirement Authors and Requirement Managers to move Requirements based on the Records Management Policy.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Delete' An error message will be displayed when a user attempts to use the ALM Delete button for Requirements. The message will inform the user to use the Smart Delete feature.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Requirement Link' Added the ability for a Requirement Author to edit traceability for a Requirement in any state.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Create'
Added the ability for Requirement Editors to create new Requirements.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Metadata'
Added the ability to edit metadata fields for requirements.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Data'
Added the ability edit data fields on requirements when the requirement is in an editable state.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Comment' Added the ability for any general user to comment or edits the comments of a Requirement in the Draft state.

User Story


Implement User Story 'External Software Component Versions' Added the Software Components section and the Tx3 Workflow DLL files' version numbers to the Version Information dialog.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Policies' Added the Records Management Policy version number to the Version Information dialog.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Software Component Versions' Added a Version Information link to the VERA Action Menu that, when clicked, displays the Version Information for the various components of VERA.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Workflow Script Version' Added the Workflow Script version to the Version Information display in the VERA Action Menu.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Test Case Context'
No changes were necessary to implement this feature.  This feature has remained unimpacted from the VERA 1.x releases.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Test Case Folder Context' No changes were necessary to implement this feature.  This feature has remained unimpacted from the VERA 1.x releases.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Create Route Template (via Records Management Policy)' Removed the approval policy configurations from the Records Management Policy into a separate policy file for the Approval Policy.  Configured the default approval groups for the VERA Template as:  Business, Process Owner, Quality, System Owner, Technical, and Validation.  Also configured the default approval route templates for test case records.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Attachments' Added a default configuration that Test Designers can edit the attachments of test folders in the Test Plan module.  This default configuration can be changed by updating a project's records management policy.  NOTE:  A known limitation of HP ALM exists in which the Description field of attachments is available for editing, regardless of user permissions or workflow status.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Duplicate' No software changes were necessary for this feature.  This functionality was implemented as a by-product of implementing user story Vera.HpAlm.RecMgmt.Tsts.Duplicate.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Move' Added a default configuration that Test Designers can move test folders within the test plan tree.  This default configuration can be changed by updating a project's records management policy. 

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Data' Added a default configuration that specifies the Name and Description fields to be the data fields of a test folder.  As the default editors of test folders, users in the Test Designer group can edit these fields.  This default configuration can be changed by updating a project's records management policy.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Delete'
Updated the workflow to always prevent the Delete command on a test folder in the Test Plan module.  Anytime the command is invoked, a message is displayed to the user instructing them to use the VERA Smart Delete feature.  This is a hard-coded configuration that is not configurable via the records management policy.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Task Notification Default' Added Task Notifications to the Notification Policy.json file. By default, task notifications are enabled.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Approval Notification Default' Added the Notification Policy.json file to the root requirement where policy administrators can configure the approval notifications. Implemented the functionality to have configurable notifications according to the file. By default, approval notifications are enabled.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Route Completion' Added the Route Completed notification to the Notification Policy.json file.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Task Rejection'
Added the Route Rejected notification to the Notification Policy.json file.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Task Cancellation' Added the Task Cancelled and Task Withdrawn notifications to the Notification Policy.json file.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Task Assignment' Added the Task Assignment notification to the Notification Policy.json file.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Transition' Added ability for Test Editors to Cancel and Uncancel Tests.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Smart Delete' Implemented the Smart Delete action for test cases and test case folders.  The default configurations are that Test Designers and Test Administrators can use the Smart Delete feature for test case folders that are empty and for test cases that are Draft, Revision 1, and have no associated test runs.  This default configuration can be modified through the records management policy.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Smart Copy' Added the ability to copy and paste test cases and test case folders in ALM. This feature goes well beyond the copy and paste provided by ALM. It allows the selection of which elements to copy and does not restrict which tests and test folders can be selected.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Revise' Added the ability for Test Managers to Revise Approved Tests. Requires a Revision Reason.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Reassign Task to Any (Admin)' No software changes were necessary for this feature.  This functionality was implemented as a by-product of implementing user story Vera.Win.ApprvlWrkflws.ReassignAdmin.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Reassign Task to User (Admin)' Implemented core functionality that an administrator can reassign the task in the Reassign Task(s) (Administrator Only) approval task feature.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Assign Task to Any' No software changes were necessary for this feature.  This functionality was implemented as a by-product of implementing user story Vera.Win.ApprvlWrkflws.StartRte.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Organize Task' No software changes were necessary for this feature.  This functionality was implemented as a by-product of implementing user story Vera.Win.ApprvlWrkflws.StartRte. Note:  One bug fix was implemented that was not directly related to the acceptance criteria of this feature.  An HTML formatting issue was repaired in the Approval Route field.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Remove Task' No software changes were necessary for this feature.  This functionality was implemented as a by-product of implementing user story Vera.Win.ApprvlWrkflws.StartRte.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Assign Task' No software changes were necessary for this feature.  This functionality was implemented as a by-product of implementing user story Vera.Win.ApprvlWrkflws.StartRte.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Add Task' No software changes were necessary for this feature.  This functionality was implemented as a by-product of implementing user story Vera.Win.ApprvlWrkflws.StartRte.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Withdraw Route' Added a default configuration that Test Designers (as default editors) and Policy Administrators can withdraw approval routes for test cases.  This default configuration can be changed by modifying the records management policy.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Start Route'
Added the ability to route entities to Routing for Approval(s) using the VERA Action Menu.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Reassign Task to Any' Implemented core functionality that an approval task assignee can reassign the task to the entire approval group by selecting the "<Any>" option in the Reassign approval task feature.  This is a core feature of the VERA engine that cannot be changed through configuration.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Reassign Task to User' No software changes were necessary for this feature.  This functionality was implemented as a by-product of implementing user story Vera.Win.ApprvlWrkflws.StartRte.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Reject Approval Task' No software changes were necessary for this feature.  This functionality was implemented as a by-product of implementing user story Vera.Win.ApprvlWrkflws.StartRte.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Complete Approval Task' Added the ability to apply an electronic signature to a record and complete approval routes.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Create' Added a default configuration that Test Designers can create test folders in the Test Plan module.  This default configuration can be changed by updating a project's records management policy.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Move' Added a default configuration that Test Designers can move Tests between folders.  This default configuration can be changed by updating a project's records management policy. 

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Requirement Link' Added a default configuration that Test Designers and Requirement Authors can modify the requirement coverage of a test case, regardless of the test case's workflow status.  This default configuration can be changed by updating a project's records management policy. 

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Metadata' Added a default configuration that Test Designers can edit the metadata of test cases in the Test Plan module when the workflow status is Draft.  This default configuration can be changed by updating a project's records management policy.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Defect Link'
Added a default configuration that any user can modify the defect linkage of a test case, regardless of the test case's workflow status.  This default configuration can be changed by updating a project's records management policy.

Also added a default configuration that any user can create a new defect, which enables any user to use the "Add and Link Defect" feature on test case records.  This default configuration can be changed by updating a project's records management policy. 

(Note:  As always, the HP ALM Viewer group configurations may supersede this configuration if that is the only group a user is assigned to.)

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Data' Added a default configuration that Test Designers can edit test cases in the Test Plan module when the workflow status is Draft.  This includes editing data fields, editing design steps (adding/updating/removing), editing test parameters (adding/updating/removing), and editing test configurations (adding/updating/removing).

The default configuration specifies the following fields to be the data fields of a test case:  Name, Description, Type, Category, GxP, Revision History, Revision Number, Test Goal, [Step] Step Name, [Step] Description, [Step] Expected Results, and [Step] Evidence Required.

A special, hard-coded rule was also added to prevent deleting a test configuration when the test configuration has at least one associated test run.

This default configuration can be changed by updating a project's records management policy.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Edit Attachments' Added a default configuration that Test Designers can edit the attachments of test cases, test steps, and test configurations in the Test Plan module when the workflow status is Draft.  This default configuration can be changed by updating a project's records management policy.

NOTE:  A known limitation of HP ALM exists in which the Description field of attachments is available for editing, regardless of user permissions or workflow status.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Duplicate' Updated the workflow to always prevent the Copy command on a test case in the Test Plan module.  Anytime the command is invoked, a message is displayed to the user instructing them to use the VERA Smart Copy feature.  This is a hard-coded configuration that is not configurable via the records management policy.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Delete' Updated the workflow to always prevent the Delete command on a test case in the Test Plan module.  Anytime the command is invoked, a message is displayed to the user instructing them to use the VERA Smart Delete feature.  This is a hard-coded configuration that is not configurable via the records management policy.

User Story


Implement User Story 'Comment' Added a default configuration that all users can use the Add Comment feature and edit the Comments field of test cases in the Test Plan module when the workflow status is Draft.  This default configuration can be changed by updating a project's records management policy. (Note: For users that are only members of ALM's Viewer role, this configuration is superceded by ALM's configurations, and those users will not be able to add or edit comments.)

User Story


Implement User Story 'Create' Added a default configuration that Test Designers can create test cases in the Test Plan module.  This default configuration can be changed by updating a project's records management policy.

Known Limitations





QC/ALM - Executing a Checked Out Test Case Causes ALM to Set Draft Run to Y

When executing a Test Case that is "Checked Out" in the Test Plan module, ALM automatically sets the Draft Run field Y. This behavior cannot be modified.
Tx3 recommends preventing the execution of test cases that are checked out. More information on preventing or mitigating this limitation can be found here:

QC/ALM 12.55 - Shared Login Module does not suppress Windows Azure AD login cookies

The ALM Shared Login Module (SLM) creates an InPrivate browser window to handle Single Sign-On signature requests from VERA. If the user is logging into to Windows with their Azure AD account and this is the same login used for Single Sign-On in ALM, then the SLM does not suppress the cookie and the user is able to sign a record without confirming their credentials.

QC/ALM - Tests can be created without configurations using the MF Excel Add-in

We have observed occurrences of tests being created without test configurations when they are imported using the MF Excel Add-in.  This is problematic, because those tests cannot be added to test sets.  The root cause is unknown, and there is no known workaround.
Tx3 generally discourages the usage of the MF Excel Add-in, because it allows users to circumvent the VERA workflow.  Test cases should be imported from Excel using the VERA CSV Data Import Utility.

QC/ALM - Cannot properly control population of Target Release/Cycle on requirements when using 'Update Selected...'

Issue:  When a VERA project is configured to prevent Requirement Author users from using ALM's feature that automatically populates Target Release/Cycle selections from parent requirements to children requirements, users will experience error conditions when using the 'Update Selected...' feature on those fields.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Configure the VERA Records Management Policy to prevent Editors from having permission to use the "Populate Links" action.

  2. Log into ALM as a Requirement Author user.

  3. Multii-select several requirements.  Ensure that at least one selected requirement has children requirements.

  4. Select the "Update Selected..." command from the Edit menu.

  5. Modify the Target Release field of the selected requirements.

  6. The user will encounter at least one error message stating the "Operation was cancelled".  In some situations, the user's ALM client may even hang.

Limitation:  In this scenario, VERA has no ability to supress ALM's automatic "Populate Links" action without causing ALM to generate error messages.
Analysis:  The error conditions described above may cause significant user frustrations, and Tx3 encourages editors to avoid using the "Update Selected..." action to modify the Target Release and Target Cycle fields of requirements.  These fields can be modified without issue by using the "Assign to Release..." command, "Assign to Cycle..." command, or by modifying the fields directly.  The problem only occurs when using "Update Selected...".  However, it is important to note that the configured control is properly enforced throughout.  Users that are not permitted to use the "Populate Link" action will not be able to do so no matter how they update Target Releases/Cycles.
Note:  Users that are not restricted from using the "Populate Link" action are not subjected to this limitation.

QC/ALM - Editable requirement fields with a default value may not initialize while changing requirement types

Issue:  When changing the Requirement Type field of a requirement, new fields that are added to the record based on the new requirement type will not initialize with their default values (if applicable).
Steps to reproduce:

  1. Assuming that a project is configured such that requirement folders have no GxP field while all other requirement types do, and also assuming the default GxP value is Y.

  2. Select a requirement folder and open the Details view.

  3. Change the Requirement Type from Folder to Functional.

  4. Results

    1. The GxP field will be added to the requirement record.

    2. The GxP field will not be initialized to the default value of Y.  Instead, it will be blank.

Limitation:  In this scenario, the VERA QC/ALM workflow script has no reliable way of determining whether a blank field is intentionally blank or blank because it is newly displayed for the requirement type.
Analysis:  This behavior is by-design given the above limitation.  When the user changes the Requirement Type field, the VERA QC/ALM workflow script will scan for blank fields with configured default values.  However, it will only initialize the default value if the field is a read-only field.  In this case, VERA knows the field is intended to be a system field and that it can safely update its value.  For fields that are not read-only, VERA cannot reliably determine whether the field is blank because it is new, or whether it is blank because the user had previously configured it to be blank.  Therefore, the safest behavior is for VERA to leave the field as blank and require the user to intentionally populate a value.

QC/ALM - In Manual Runner, linking a defect to a step appears to allow editing of the Description/Expected field

Issue:  Linking a defect to a run step causes the Expected field of the run step to become editable in the UI.
Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start a run

  2. Link a defect to a step

  3. Edit the Expected result field.  The change will be allowed, but the Manual Runner will become "locked". Limitation:  This is a defect in the QC/ALM workflow script engine that cannot be circumvented or mitigated by Tx3.  This issue has been observed to exist in all supported versions of QC/ALM.
    Analysis:  This issue has been deemed acceptable by Tx3 for the following reasons:

  4. The issue is limited to the user interface.  There is no scenario in which changes to the Expected Results will be saved to the database.

  5. No changes to Expected Results are saved to the Test Run.

  6. No changes to Expected Results are saved to the Test Case.

QC/ALM - Issue with renaming VERA policy files in version-controlled projects

A bug exists in ALM's file repository management in which ALM can become confused when renaming a VERA policy file while also uploading a new policy file of the same name, all in the same version control operation.

  1. Checkout the root requirement folder in a VERA project.

  2. Rename the Records Management Policy from "Records Management Policy.json" to "Records Management Policy.json.bak".

  3. Upload a new Records Management Policy using the expected name of "Records Management Policy.json".

  4. Check-in the root requirement.

  5. Issue:  The old Records Management Policy will be used instead of the new one.
    Impact:  When testing policy file configurations, some admins like to archive their original configurations by renaming the current policy file before uploading the new one.  This bug will prevent the new policy file from being tested in this scenario.
    Workaround:  There are two recommended workarounds:

  6. Complete the rename operation and the upload operation in two separate version control operations.  This will help the repository to properly detect the rename operation.

  7. OR:  Archive current configurations by downloading to your PC instead of by renaming.

QC/ALM - ALM Lab Extension is not supported

The ALM Lab Extension in QC/ALM cannot be enabled for VERA projects.  This extension creates an issue in which VERA becomes unable to control access to the QC/ALM Manual Runner.  If the extension becomes enabled, then any user in the project will be able to begin new test runs, regardless of user permissions, workflow states, or pre-execution approval rules.

QC/ALM 11.52 - Test Set Designer Can Execute Tests

In certain instances, a Test Set Designer can use the Run button to begin to execute a Test regardless of group membership, Test Set Status or Test Status. The Run cannot be saved since some required (but not editable) fields are missing.

VERA - Multi-select fields are not fully support in policy configurations

Multi-select list fields should not be used when configuring rules for workflow transitions, approval routes, etc. because VERA only supports exactly matching the entire contents of a field.  Referencing a multi-select list field will work correctly in two scenarios:

  • When the user only selects a single value in the field

  • When the policy configuration specifies the various combinations of value selections that should be recognized.

The configuration will not work correctly if the user selects multiple values and the rule does not explicitly specify the selected combination of values.

QC/ALM - Cannot control the "Continue Manual Run" feature from the Test Lab Execution Grid

The QC/ALM workflow script has a limitation in which the Continue Manual Run action cannot be reliably evaluated from the Test Lab Execution Grid.  This limitation creates the possibility that an Approved test run might be continued.
To mitigate this limitation, the VERA software will never allow a test run to be continued from the Execution Grid.  As a workaround, users must open either the Test Instance Details dialog or the Test Run Module grid before continuing a test run.

QC/ALM - Cannot control editability of the Baseline field of test sets

In QC/ALM, the Baseline field of test sets will sometimes appear to be editable when it should not be.  The workflow is very inconsistent in enforcing the editability of that field.  However, this issue is considered acceptable because the workflow does correctly prevent users from actually pinning or unpinning a baseline when the user does not have permission to do so.  Meaning, even when the field is editable, the user will not be able to save changes to the field unless they are permitted to do so by the workflow.

QC/ALM - Cannot control editability of the Assigned to Cycle field on test set folders

In QC/ALM, the Assigned to Cycle field of test set folders will always appear to be editable.  There is no way to make the field read-only via workflow.  However, this issue is considered acceptable because the workflow does correctly prevent users from actually assigning a test set folder to a cycle when the user does not have permission to do so.
The behavior is misleading and confusing to users, because the user interface appears to let the user edit the Assigned to Cycle field.  However, the actual link between the test set folder and the cycle is never established in the backend, and any changes made to the field will be lost when the user logs out.

QC/ALM - Convert to Tests is not fully functional

The 'Convert to Tests...' feature of HPE ALM is not fully functional with VERA 2.x.  The following limitations apply:

  1. The option 'Convert lowest child requirements to design steps' will always fail.  The reason is that HP ALM will attempt to generate the new test cases as Approved, because Approved is the first alphabetical workflow status.  VERA will then prevent the Approved test cases from being created.

  2. The option 'Convert lowest child requirements to tests' will also always fail for the same reason described above.

  3. The option 'Generate Single Test' will only work if the user manually selects to create the new test into the Draft status.  This must be selected manually each time the feature is used, because the default selection will always be Approved as described above.

Note:  The option 'Convert all requirements to subjects' works as expected, because subject folders have no workflow status.

QC/ALM - Attachment Descriptions are Always Editable

In HPE ALM, the Description field of attachments is always editable, regardless of user permissions and workflow state.  This is a known limitation of the ALM system with no known mitigations.  This limitation is considered acceptable because attachment descriptions are not necessarily critical data fields that must be controlled by workflow and locked by electronic signatures.  (It would be beneficial to have that functionality if it were possible.)

Known Issues

Reference ID

Name / Description

Reference ID

Name / Description


'Tester' field of run step appears blank after changing the execution status by using the drop-down list

Description: When executing a test run in Manual Runner, the Tester field of each test step should populate with the current user's ID when a step status is selected.  This functionality works correctly when using the Pass/Fail buttons, but not when selecting the status directly from the drop-down list.

Impact: This issue is limited to the user interface, because the Tester field is being populated in the back-end.  The user interface will reflect this the next time the screen is properly refreshed.

Workaround:  Wait for the next action that causes the screen to refresh.  The data will become visible.


'Pin to Baseline' should not be permitted on test sets with signatures.

Description:  Currently, VERA will allow the Pin to Baseline action a test set with pre-execution approval signatures in the Ready for Execution workflow state, as long as no test runs exist within the test set.  This is an issue, because pinning to a baseline may cause the deletion of any test instance not associated with the baseline, which would invalidate the pre-execution approval signature(s).

Impact:  For teams using both baselining and approvals on test sets, the Test Set Designers must be careful of using the Pin To Baseline feature after pre-execution approvals are complete.  Once the first run is executed in the test set, then the risk is removed, because the Pin To Baseline feature will become disabled.

For teams that do not use both baselining and approvals on test sets, then this issue will have no impact.

Workaround:  If the issue arises, then the Test Set Designer should revise the test set and re-route for pre-execution approval.


Requirement Managers cannot reorder entities in the Requirements module

Description:  A Requirement Manager is unable to reorder requirement records using the toolbar buttons in the Requirements module.

Impact:  A Requirement Manager that is not also a Requirement Author will need to request a Requirement Author to make the udpates.

Workaround:  It is recommended that the Requirement Manager should be assigned Requirement Author permissions, also.


Smart Paste fails when a field marked 'Reset on Copy' does not exist in a Requirement Type

Description:  The VERA Smart Paste feature will not work correctly if it encounters a field that is configured to be reset in the new copy, but the field does not actually exist on the record being copied.  This most typically will happen if a requirement field is configured to be reset, but the field does not exist in all requirement types.

Impact:  When this configuration issue exists, it will prevent the user from completing the Smart Paste action on certain records.

Workaround:  Administrators can implement a workaround into their configurations by either excluding the field from the "reset on copy" configuration, or by creating a new record type to correspond with the requirement type that has the special field.  Contact Tx3 Support for more assistance.


ALM 12.55 error "You don't have permission to execute this action" appears when user try to cancel run by using "X" button on manual runner

Description:  In QC/ALM 12.55, if a user starts a test run in Manual Runner, then selects to cancel the test run without saving, an error message will display and the run will not be cancelled.

Impact:  This issue impacts all VERA projects in QC/ALM 12.55.  Prior versions of QC/ALM are not impacted.

Workaround:  There is no workaround to allow a run to be cancelled without saving in QC/ALM 12.55.  The only option is to select "Yes" to save the run, and then select to cancel it using VERA's electronic workflow.


"VERA Signature Verification" does not gracefully support missing user names

Description: The VERA Signature Verification utility will fail to verify an electronic signature if the signature is missing a full name of the signer.

Impact:  Organizations that do not have full names configured for their QC/ALM users will not be able to verify the integrity of their electronic signatures using the VERA Signature Verification Utility. 

Workaround:  Tx3 recommends that full names should be configured for all QC/ALM users that will create electronic signatures.  If you have a need to verify the integrity of electronic signatures generated without full names, then please contact Tx3 Support for assistance.


VERA 2.x Does not recognize the ALM Type field for Runs without the prefix

Description:  When evaluating approval route rules for test runs, QC/ALM does not recognize the displayed value in the Run Type field.  (e.g. MANUAL, BUSINESS-PROCESS). 

Impact:  This issue only impacts administrators when designing approval route rules.  Administrators can use the workaround listed below to mitigate this issue, and users will not be impacted. 

Workaround:  When configuring approval route rules for test runs, if a rule must reference the run's Type field, then prefix the value with "" in your Approval Policy.json file. Example:


Workflow script error when smart deleting a test case which exists in test set

Description:  In some cases, an error will display while transitioning between modules after using the Smart Delete feature on a test case entity that was not removed from all test sets prior to deletion. 

Impact:  This error will be an occasional nuisance to users.  It does not prevent the Smart Delete feature from functioning. 

Workaround:  It is recommended that test cases are removed from all test sets before using Smart Delete.  This will prevent the error.  Alternatively, the user can refresh their login session after the error occurs.

NOTE:  VERA will not allow a test case to be deleted if it has existing test runs.  This issue and guidance is limited to test cases that were added to one or more test sets, but that were not yet executed.


Intermittent Error Message when Using Password Encryption Utility

Description:  When using the VERA Password Encryption Utility, an intermittent error may display when the utility attempts to access the system clipboard.   (COMException:  OpenClipboard Failed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401D0 (CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN)))

Impact:  This issue only impacts administrators using the VERA Tocsa Integration solution.  No other users should have a need to use the Password Encryption Utility.

Workaround:  When the error displays, retry the encryption operation.


Clipboard error when copying version information text

Description:  An error can occur when pressing the "Copy to Clipboard" button in the VERA version information screen.  Error message:  "OpenClipboard Failed (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401D0 (CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN)).

Impact:  This issue can occur intermittently when using the Smart Copy action in the VERA Action Menu.

Workaround:  Try again to see if the issue immediately resolves itself.  If it doesn't, try closing other applications that may have a lock on the clipboard.


Cannot make a Test Step field editable when the Edit Step Action is prevented

Description:  VERA does not allow a design step field to be configured as editable when the test case itself is in a workflow state that does not allow editing.

Impact:  This issue prevents administrators from configuring a business rule allowing a specific design step field (such as a comments field) to be editable by approvers when a test case is routing for approval.

Workaround: Consult with Tx3 Support if you have a business case requiring this functionality.  We may be able to identify a workaround configuration for your use case.


Smart Paste fails when the author on a requirement is not a member of the project

Description:  Smart Paste can fail if the user in the Author field of the copied Requirement is no longer in the project. 

Impact:  Users may not be able to copy certain Requirements. 

Workaround:  If a Requirement cannot be copied, the user should have the project's User Administrator to temporarily re-add the missing user.


Error message contains typo when a task doesn't have an assigned order.

Description:  A typo exists in the error message displayed when a task doesn't have an assigned order.

Impact:  The error message is slightly less readable then expected.

Workaround:  There is no workaround.


CSV Importer: Implement Cancel ability and record counts

Description:  The 'Importing Records' progress bar screen in the CSV Data Importer feature is missing a Cancel Button and a displayed count of records.

Impact:  Users doing an import of records from a CSV file cannot abort the operation once it is started.  (The VERA software requirements indicate this should be possible.)

Workaround: None


CSV Importer: Workflow State is not honored by Attachments

Description:  The CSV Data Importer feature will allow importing attachments to records in a workflow state where this would normally be prevented (such as 'Routing for Approval' or 'Approved').

Impact:  Users might be able to use the CSV Data Importer to import attachments to a record that has already received one or more electronic signatures.  (Note:  This only applies to requirements and test cases.  It also only applies to adding attachments, not removing existing attachments.)

Workaround:  None


CSV Importer: Updates fail on some fields on a line that contains a value in the Subject field

Description:  When using the CSV Data Importer feature to update existing test cases, the update may fail if a Subject field is specified inline with the test reference in the CSV file.

Impact:  This issue will cause certain rows of the data import operation to fail while updating existing test cases.

Workaround:  The data importer supports specifying the test case Subject field (folder name) on a separate line preceding the test case's line.  This technique will prevent the above issue from occurring during an update operation.


CSV Importer: Utility does not validate the file extension before importing

Description:  The CSV Data Importer feature will not validate the file extension of a file selected for import

Impact:  Users can attempt to import non-CSV files, which will result in a file parsing error.

Workaround:  Users will need to restart the wizard if they accidentally try to import a non-CSV file.


Transition Reason doesn't support including Revision Number with a different Label


CSV Data Importer: Missing attachments are uploaded as blank files w/out error

Description:  When importing attachments using the CSV Data Importer, if the file path or file name does not exist, then an empty attachment of the expected name is created instead.  No error or warning is provided to the user.

Impact: The record will have an empty (0 KB) attachment.

Workaround:  After running the CSV Data Importer, the user should verify that no attachments have a size of 0 KB.  Alternatively, attachments can be uploaded manually after the records are imported.


CSV Data Importer: Record version numbers are incremented, even when the record is not updated

Description:  When using the CSV Data Importer in version-controlled projects, the QC/ALM version number may be incremented even when no changes are made to the record.

Impact:  If the user attempts to use the importer to update a record that is locked by the VERA workflow, then the record version number will be incremented even after the update is prevented by VERA.  This will give the incorrect appearance that the locked record was modified.

Workaround:  Users and auditors can verify and prove that no actual changes were made to the locked record by viewing the record's Audit History.


CSV Data Importer: Req Traceability failures are not clearly reported by the utility

Description:  When using the CSV Data Importer to import requirement traceability, if an error occurs while creating a trace link, then the Importer reports that the entire record failed to import even if it is only the traceability portion that failed.

Impact:  The user may not realize that the record actually imported unless they search for it in ALM.  Furthermore, they may not understand the source of the error message or how to resolve it.

Workaround:  When troubleshooting import errors, users should search for imported records my Path and Name.  If they discover a record did actually import, they should verify whether traceability may have been the root of the failure and continue troubleshooting from there.


Called tests are not evaluated inside a baseline

Description: Pre-execution approval rules are not correctly enforced when a test case inside a baselined test set contains called tests.  The current status of the called tests will be evaluated instead of the baselined status of the called tests.

Impact: This issue only impacts test cases that both a) contain called tests and b) are used inside a test set that is pinned to a baseline.  Pre-execution approval enforcement works as expected when using test cases without called tests inside a baseline, and also when using test cases with called tests outside of a baseline.

Workaround:  Manual procedures must be used to ensure that all called tests are approved before pinning a test set to a baseline.


Smart Delete does not clear the integration fields for the Test Case or Execution List in Tosca

Issue:  When deleting a Tosca test case or Tosca test set in ALM, the corresponding synchronization IDs are not deleted within Tosca.

Impact:  This issue only impacts users using Tx3's integration between Micro Focus ALM and Tricentis Tosca.

Workaround:  When a synchronized record is deleted from within ALM, manual clean-up must be done in Tosca.


VERA Data Import Utility does not properly handle invalid requirement types

Issue:  The VERA Data Import Utility displays a confusing error message when it encounters an invalid requirement type in an import file

Impact:  Users will have difficulty troubleshooting import failures if their import file contains requirement types that do not exist in the project.

Workaround:  There is no workaround for this issue.


CSV Data Importer: wrong error message when user tries to update status field to value other than Draft

Issue:  The VERA Data Import Utility displays a confusing error message when an import operation violates workflow status rules.

Impact:  Users will have difficulty troubleshooting import failures if their import file contains records that cannot be imported due to their current workflow state.

Workaround:  There is no workaround for this issue.


Only last attachment is added to requirement if there are more than 1 attachment path specified in CSV importer excel sheet

Issue:  The VERA Data Import Utility cannot upload more than one attachment for a record.  If more than one attachment is specified, only the last attachment is uploaded and no error is displayed.

Impact:  Users may not realize that an imported record is missing some expected attachments.

Workaround:  Users should only configure their import files to import one attachment per record.  Additional attachments must be attached either manually or through additional imports.


Formatting issues in the 'Rich Text" field

Issue:  Extra whitespace (line breaks / tabs) is sometimes added to the Rich Text field when it is saved.

Impact:  This issue impacts users using the Rich Text field in the Requirements module.

Workaround:  Use a regular memo field (with HTML formatting) instead of the Rich Text field.


Unexpected error when using 'Convert to tests' feature in the Requirements module

Issue:  An unexpected exception will occur if the "Convert to tests" feature is used before the user has accessed the Test Plan module in the current session.  The VERA workflow script will attempt to evaluate the creation rules for Test Cases from within the Requirements Module.  In the background, this evaluation logic requires accessing workflow objects from the Test Plan module.  However, if the user has not yet navigated to Test Plan within the current login session, then Test Plan's workflow will remain uninitialized.

Impact: Users will be unable to use this feature without using the workaround below.

Workaround:  Navigate to the Test Plan module before using the "Convert to Tests" feature in the Requirements module.  (Just viewing the Test Plan module is enough. No need to refresh or complete any actions.)  Navigating to the Test Plan module causes the Test Plan workflow objects to initialize.  They will remain initialized when the user navigates away from Test Plan into the Requirements Module, and "Convert to Tests" will work as documented.


Issues with VERA dialog windows on dual monitors (Intermittent)

Issue:  Various issues have been reported with VERA dialog windows when using dual monitors.  Some examples:

  • When entering justification text into the VERA Change Reason dialog in Manual Runner, the "OK" button cannot be pressed.

  • When approving a test run, the "Approve" button cannot be pressed.

  • When loading the VERA Action Menu, the buttons do not render.

Impact:  Unknown.  These issue have only been reported by a small number of users.  Most users are able to use dual monitor displays with VERA without issue.

Workaround:  Users have reported that dragging the affected dialog window to the other monitor in the dual-monitor display will resolve any observed issues.


Status become editable when a test designer converts a manual script to any other type

Issue:  The Status field of a test case will become editable if a test designer converts a manual test to an automated test.

Impact:  This issue is related to the Generate Script feature of ALM.

Workaround:  Manual process controls must be implemented when using this feature.

Document Revision History



Summary of Changes

Author/Updated By



Summary of Changes

Author/Updated By

17 DEC 2021


Initial Revision

Aaron Morris

03 FEB 2022


VERA for ALM 2.14-RC2

Aaron Morris

15 FEB 2022


Final Release (Non-RC)

Aaron Morris