Approve a VERA-Tosca Test

Once a tester has created a VERA-Tosca Test and routed it for approval, the Test is ready to be reviewed and approved by all required Approvers.
The process for Approving a VERA-Tosca test is nearly identical to approving a Manual Test.  The VERA-Tosca test does not have steps in the 'Design Steps' tab. Instead, the Tosca steps are stored  and displayed in the 'TOSCA Test Steps' tab – these are the automated test steps.
To Approve a VERA-Tosca Test:

  1. Login to the project as an Approver
  2. Navigate to, and select the Test
  3. Review the Details tab, comments, etc.
  4. Click the 'TOSCA Test Steps' tab to review the Tosca Test steps created for this test.
  5. Once reviewed, click the VERA "Go" toolbar button to perform the appropriate action.

Observe the following points:

  • Once the final approval is applied, the Test status becomes "Approved".
  • While a test is Routing for Approval (or in an Approved state), the Tosca Test Case is "locked" and cannot be updated in VERA or in Tosca.
  • If a Test needs to be revised, use VERA's 'Revise' operation to set the test Status back to "Draft". When this occurs, the Test Case is again opened for editing in VERA and Tosca. It then must be re-routed through the full approval process before becoming Approved.