Create a new VERA Project

See the Tosca Integration Guide for detailed instructions on creating first time projects in VERA & Tosca. But, in general, here are the high-level steps for creating a new testing project, intended to use VERA-Tosca Integration. It is assumed that the ALM Server is updated with VERA-Tosca components and that all VERA users have the VERA-Tosca client installed.

  1. Create a Tosca repository. Use a name that is indicative of the Business Unit or organization unit that it serves.
  2. Decide on a project name.
  3. On the Tosca Server, using Tosca Commander, create a Workspace for the new ALM project. For example, if the Business Unit is called "Technology" and the project is called "Remedy", name the Workspace "Technology_Remedy".
  4. Define Integration fields in the repository. For Test Cases: ALMTestID and VeraSyncId; for ExecutionLists: ExecListWorkState, VeraSyncId and ALMTestSetID
  5. Create groups that provide locking and unlocking for Tosca items. Make sure the Unlock group is the same as the project group. For example, an admin group called "ALMLock" for locking, and a non-admin group called "Remedy" for all Remedy project users for unlocking.
  6. Create an Admin user intended for use by the Integration to execute admin-level operations such as locking and unlocking (assigning OwningGroupNames). For example, a user called "VeraAdmin", that is an Admin and uses Tosca authentication (not LDAP).

    Note: the password needs to be encrypted in the VERA Synchronization Policy file. See the Installation Instructions for details.
  7. Make sure a common file share is setup, accessible by all users and the Tosca Server. This will store screenshots. Users should use this file share UNC in Test Case screenshot steps.
  8. Create a new ALM Project
  9. Apply all modification to make it a VERA-Tosca enabled project.
  10. Update the Synchronization Policy File with values from above steps. For example, the Service Account would be set to "VeraAdmin", from above.

When a user logs into the VERA project and creates a Test, there should be a Tosca type listed in the list of values for the "Type" field, and its icon should be a red "T" in a circle.
See the installation instructions for more detail.