Install ALM Server Files

Tosca "Test Type" files register a new ALM Test Type, so that VERA users can create and control Tosca Tests and Test Sets. Once created, VERA approvals work for Tosca items the same way they work for a non-Tosca item, using configured VERA rules.
On the ALM Server, perform the following steps. File to be copied are found in the Tosca Integration package:

  1. Copy to … ALM\webapps\qcbin\Extensions, wherever this subdirector was installed. Typically, in \ProgramData\HP\.
  2. In the same directory, create a folder named "TosALM" and copy these files into the TosALM folder:
    2. TosALM.lld
  3. Update the file named testtypes.xml in …\ALM\webapps\qcbin\CustomTestTypes and add this XML node:

    <TestType name="TOSCA">
  4. Copy TosALM.xml to …\ALM\repository\sa\DomsInfo\Metadata\TEST   … changing the path to match your server.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
    <Test Type="TOSCA">
    		<Folders Filter="." >
    			<Files Filter="*.*" />
    	<Versioning Enabled="true" />
    	<Baselining Enabled="true">
    		<Pinning Enabled="true" />
  5. Restart the ALM service, "HPE Application Lifecycle Management"

New projects will see the new "Tosca" test type. Use ALM's Site Admin 'Tools->Update Test Types' to apply the test type to existing projects.