WP 1.7

Software version: WP 1.7

Publication date: 08 MAR 2021

This file provides information about the VERA Web Portal

  • Resolved Issues
  • New Features
  • Docker Image Information
  • Known Issues and Limitations

Resolved Issues

VS-297Issue supporting TLS/SSL connection to MongoDB (w/ Server Validation)

An issue existed in which the Web Portal could not connect to MongoDB when the Mongo server enforces TLS/SSL.  The issue was resolved by introducing a new configuration parameter (VERA_WEB_MONGO_ARGS) that can be used to specify query string arguments that will be appended to the MongoDB connection string.  More info:  Supported Environment Variables

VS-461Tx3 VERA Record Detail Report formatting issuesThe formatting of the Record Detail report was improved by fixing the top and left margins, and by adjusting font sizes. The report was also fixed to ensure that task rejections were not displayed in the signatures list.
VS-628Step execution statuses are not displayed in VERA Web PortalFixed an issue where the Step Status was not being displayed for qTest Run Steps.
VS-801Web Portal requires a httpsCertFile parameter even if https is not being usedFixed an issue where the Web Portal would crash on startup when the httpsCert configuration parameter was missing. The parameter (or its environmental variable equivalent) is still required for HTTPS traffic.
VS-817SAML Login doesn't seem to check that the user name returned from the IdP matches the entered user nameFixed an issue where an unexpected user could be logged into the Web Portal if an active IdP session existed. Now the user will be informed that the IdP session does not match the expected user.
VS-886Chromium browsers do not support Single Sign-on signaturesDue to a Chromium change, an issue was addressed where site cookies were not always respected when using SSO. Due to these changes, HTTPS is now required if using SSO. Also, Web Portal configuration parameters have been added to force HTTPS over HTTP traffic and to force the use of secure cookies (again, requiring the use of HTTPS).
VS-951jQuery and other libraries fail to load in ChinaFixed an issue where some libraries would not load properly in certain locations. All referenced libraries were made available locally so that we don't need to rely on CDNs.
VS-990Admin Portal shows a password reset option for idP usersFixed an issue where the Reset Password link was displayed and accessible for users with external authentication.
VS-998Administrator can't reset a password from User Detail pageFixed the User Details page so that the Reset Password capability works correctly.
VS-1024Record Detail Report does not include Status on Test Log StepsUpdated the print view for a record to include the status field on execution log steps.

New Features

VS-341User can update their email address from their profile page
VS-387Admin can configure a user's authentication profile from a user's profile page
VS-490Filter approval tasks on Approval Queue by source project
VS-618Admin can edit a domain's name and description from the domain's details page
VS-623User can view their current domain assignments from their profile page
VS-633Update Approval Queue with Domain Name, Location ID and Project
VS-923Admin can add a role assignment to a user from a user's profile page
VS-924Admin can remove a role assignment from a user from a user's profile page
VS-925Admin can modify a user's domain assignments from a user's profile page
VS-974Admin can create a new user profile in the Web Portal
VS-975Edit a User Profile from a user's profile page
VS-1022Add ability for admin to search for users while assigning users to a role
VS-1023Add ability for admin to search for users while removing users from a role


  • 1.7.0
  • win-2019-1.7.0
  • linux-1.7.0
How to UpgradeSee Upgrade the VERA Server Applications for instructions

Known Issues and Limitations

KeySummaryKnown Issue Details
VS-383Tester(s) not included in Execution Log in VERAqTest Tester name is not displayed in VERA web portal.  The VERA Record Management Policy can be updated to include the Tester field in VERA.
VS-447User Administrator role can see Signature Verification Failure Report and Re-verifyA User Administrator can access the Signature Verification reporting section of the Administration Portal.  This feature should be limited to System Administrators.
VS-455SAML users sometimes see an error on log outOccasionally, a user that is authenticated through an external SAML-based IdP may see an error screen after they logout from the VERA Web Portal, instead of being returned to the login screen.  
VS-810Admin can't remove a project from domain if project name contains regexA project created with regex characters cannot be removed from a domain once it is added. This also causes issues with displaying tasks in the approval queue for a user
VS-855Reset Password dialog does not close after an Admin resets a user's passwordThe Reset Password dialog does not close or provide any confirmation after resetting the password. It must be closed by the 'X' or the 'Cancel' buttons.
VS-858Import User modal/page does not display a confirmation when a file is uploadedNo confirmation is displayed following the upload of a user import.
VS-859An Admin cannot blank a user's email addressAn administrative user cannot update a user to have no email address. This is due to validation on the submitted changes for a user requiring an email address.
VS-929IDP error message displayed on login screen when clicking an approval task linkWhen a user attempts to click an approval route link after a long period of session inactivity, the user may be prompted with "VERA could determine IDP." as an error message on the login screen.
VS-962Approval Queue user filter uses RegEx can match different users

Due to regular expression matching, a record that has been signed by one user may cause another user's approval queue to exclude the record when it should be available.

VS-997Cannot save updated user information until switching cursor focusWhen updating a user's information from the 'My Profile' or Admin Portal pages, the save button is disabled until clicking outside of the field being edited.
VS-1051Missing error message during SSO-based approvalNo error message is displayed to the user when an error occurs while approving a record using single sign-on authentication.  The approval is not applied (as expected), but the record details page simply refreshes without displaying an error message to the user.
VS-1065A misleading error message is displayed when VERA cannot apply a final approvalVERA will display a misleading error message when it fails to transition a Jira issue in the workflow.  The error message displayed to the user will indicate that there is a connectivity problem, even if it's actually a configuration problem. 
VS-1067User management table in admin portal is not sortable

The user management table within the admin section of the VERA Web Portal is displaying the same results when sorting by ascending and descending order.

VS-1069Changing filter parameters and hitting enter triggers sort instead of new searchFor filterable tables, changing the text for a search and using the enter key causes the table to be sorted with the previous search text active. Note: Submitting a search with the enter key is not necessary as tables will automatically execute the search after a user is finished typing.
VS-1072Filter and Refresh icons disappear when selected but not hovered on for tablesIf a user has one of the icons for a table selected and hovers their cursor off of the icon, it will temporarily disappear on the page until the user clicks elsewhere on the page.
VS-1095Project names are not validated when adding to domainAdmins are able to add a project to a domain that contains RegEx characters.
VS-1096Approval Queue does not load when user is in domain with project containing special characterWhen a user belongs to a domain that has a project whose name contains a special character (:, ;, ?), the user's approval queue shows "No Matching Records"