Software version: JIRA-CLD 1.0

Publication date: 27 NOV 2019 

This file provides information about the VERA Jira Cloud App

  • Resolved Issues
  • Known Issues and Limitations

Resolved Issues


Known Issues and Limitations

KeySummaryKnown Issue Details
VS-512Jira Cloud Readonly Fields are Editable in New View

An issue exists in Jira Cloud in which "Readonly" fields are actually editable in Jira Cloud's "New View". This issue impacts the VERA Sync ID and VERA Pending Tasks fields. Users should be careful to not edit these fields.

  • Editing the VERA Sync ID field will break the issue's synchronization with VERA, and unintentional changes should be reverted.
  • Editing the Pending Tasks field will break any user-defined Jira filters for pending approval tasks. Changes can be reverted manually, or the field will update automatically the next time an approval action occurs.

Reference Atlassian Issue ID JRACLOUD-72479: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-72479