The following new features and enhancements are introduced in VERA 2022.1 release:

Ability to exclude Author from Approving qTest Test Runs

VERA now provides the ability to exclude the Test Run author (or testers) from approving runs.  This is in addition to the author exclusion feature delivered in the 2021.4 release.

Figure: prevent author from approving thier test case

Improved route for approval feature

Improved the processing of large Jira and qTest records.  Update the route for approval process to update the qTest VERA Approval Route field when the record is received by VERA.

Figure: VERA Approval Route is updated with a VERA message when the record is received and VERA begins processing the record. 

Figure: the Approval Route is displayed in the VERA Approval Route field when VERA finishes processing the record

Improved handling for embedded images from qTest and Jira

Figure: fields with embedded images now include links to download the images

VERA Jira Cloud App compatible with Jira Cloud "new view"

Figure: VERA Jira App in Jira Cloud "New View"

Defect fixes

Various defect fixes to the Web Portal and API Server.

View the Release Notes for more information: