Editing a Domain's Details

Feature improved in the 2021.1 release

Step-by-step guide:

Users assigned to the System Administrator role are able to edit a domain's details.

  1. Access the Administration Area
  2. Navigate to the Domain Management
  3. From the Domain Management page, select the domain name hyperlink or icon in the Actions column
  4. A detailed view of the selected domain will be displayed.
  5. Update Domain Name, Description, or Domain Owner
    1. Use the input fields for the Domain Name, Description and Domain Owner to update the domain's details
    2. Select the Save button to apply your changes
  6. Add Projects to Domain
    1. Select the Add Projects button
    2. From the Location dropdown select a value
    3. Complete Projects to Add field and select the Add Projects button
  7. Remove Project(s) from domain
    1. Select the icon from the Actions column.
  8. Domain Users displays users assigned to the selected domain. To remove/add users see Assign Users to a Domain Role and Remove Users from a Domain Role.

Do one of the following if you do not want to save the changes to Domains:

  1. Select Reset button
  2. Select Cancel in the validation window
  3. Select Tricentis VERA logo in the upper left

Note: Adding or removing a domain from a project is saved upon completion of the action. Selecting Reset or the Tricentis VERA Logo will not cancel the changes made.