Viewing and Editing Your Profile

Feature improved in the 2021.1 release

Step-by-step guide

  1. Navigate to the VERA Web Portal and log in.
  2. Select the My Profile option from the User Profile drop-down menu.
  3. The resulting page will show details about the current logged in user such as:
    1. Username
    2. Vera ID
    3. Full Name
    4. Email Address
    5. Identity Provider
    6. Password (To change your password, see Changing Your Password)
    7. System Roles
    8. Domains and Roles
  4. Editing Your Profile
    1. Use the input fields for Full Name and Email Address to update your user profile
    2. Select the Save button to apply your changes

Do the following if you do not want to save the changes to Domains:

  1. Select Tricentis VERA logo in the upper left
  2. Refresh the page without clicking the Save button