Configure Inactivity Timeout Settings

The Vera Web Portal will track the inactivity of logged in users. If a user is inactive for the configured amount of time or longer, they will be automatically logged out of the system. The users are warned before the automatic logout. See the steps before for configuring the automatic logout time and the warning time.

How to Configure the Automatic Logout Time

  1. The Inactivity Timeout settings are configured in the config.yaml file for the Web Portal or the Environment Variable for the Web Portal container (see more information).

  2. Configure the following setting in the config.yaml (or the environment variables in the docker-compose.yml file) -- it is only necessary to configure them in one place:

    1. idleTimeoutMinutes controls the number of minutes of inactivity that the web portal will allow before automatically logging an inactive user out. The default is 10 minutes if the setting is missing or misconfigured.

    2. idlePromptSeconds controls the number of seconds before the automatic logout that the web portal will warn the user of an impending automatic logout. The default is 120 seconds if the setting is missing or misconfigured.

config.yaml setting

Environment Variable

Default Setting

config.yaml setting

Environment Variable

Default Setting







If both the Environment Variable and the config.yaml settings are configured, the Web Portal will prefer the Environment Variable and will not use the config.yaml settings.