Retrieving Log Files

VERA maintains several log files that can be used to troubleshoot issues and audit activity.  The following table itemizes the various log files that are maintained, their purpose, and their default locations.

ComponentFilename *PurposeDefault Location **
VERA Web Portalvera-web-error_[YYYY-MM-DD].jsonContains error messages logged by the VERA web portal.

Windows: C:\ProgramData\tx3-services\vera\Logs

Linux: /usr/share/tx3-services/vera/Logs

vera-web-info_[YYYY-MM-DD].jsonVerbose activity log for the VERA web portal.

Windows: C:\ProgramData\tx3-services\vera\Logs

Linux: /usr/share/tx3-services/vera/Logs

vera-web-startup_[YYYY-MM-DD].jsonEvent log for the VERA web portal's web server.

Windows: C:\ProgramData\tx3-services\vera\Logs

Linux: /usr/share/tx3-services/vera/Logs

VERA API Serververa-server-messages-[YYYMMDD].txt

Communication log of messages received by the VERA API.   When FULL logging is enabled, internal messages inside the application are also recorded.

Windows: C:\ProgramData\tx3-services\vera\Logs

Linux: /usr/share/tx3-services/vera/Logs

vera-server-info-[YYYYMMDD].txtEvent log for the VERA API's web server.

Windows: C:\ProgramData\tx3-services\vera\Logs

Linux: /usr/share/tx3-services/vera/Logs

vera-server-errors-[YYYYMMDD].txtContains error messages from the VERA API.

Windows: C:\ProgramData\tx3-services\vera\Logs

Linux: /usr/share/tx3-services/vera/Logs

Results--[Name]-[YYYY-MM-DD--HH-MM-SS].txtResult logs for user import operations. The [Name] placeholder represents the name of the CSV file that was imported. The date and timestamp placeholder represents the date and time that the import occurred.

Windows: C:\ProgramData\tx3-services\vera\UserImports

Linux: /usr/share/tx3-services/vera/UserImports

VERA for Jira Addonatlassion-jira.logVerbose activity log for Jira, including error messages reported by Tx3's Jira addon.C:\Program Files\Atlassian\Application Data\JIRA\log
qTest VERA IntegrationManager Logs onlyVerbose activity logs for qTest Manager. Follow the steps here for more information:



* Filenames containing date stamps are rolling log files that change over daily.

** These are the default locations recommended during installation.  These locations may vary if alternate locations were configured during installation.