Configure the Approval Policy

Incorrectly editing Vera policy files can cause the system to become unresponsive or to fail. If you are unsure or need guidance, please reach out to Tricentis Support before making changes to the policy files.

In order to add additional approval routes or change the existing approval routes in Vera, you must edit the Approval Policy file. Follow the instructions below to add new approval routes or update existing routes:

Add a New Approval Group to Vera

  1. See Managing Policy Files to access the Approval Policy file that needs to be updated.
  2. Edit the file and find the Approval Groups element near the top of the file:

    Approval Roles Code Snippet
        "Approval Policy":
            "Version": "Tricentis Standard",
                "ID": "",
                "Major": "0",
                "Minor": "0"
            "Approval Groups": [
  3. Add the Approval Group to the list. Be sure to enclose the name of the group in plain double quotes and use a comma to separate it from other groups in the list.
  4. Upload the policy file to the Policy Management page either as a new approval policy or as a revision to an existing one.
  5. Vera will read the policy file and the approval roles will be available for assigning to users in the Vera Administration portal.
    1. To add users to the new Approval Role(s), see Assign Users to a Domain Role.

Add a New Approval Route to Vera

  1. See Managing Policy Files to access the Approval Policy file that needs to be updated.
  2. Edit the file and find the Route Templates section.
  3. Add a new Route Template by copying one of the existing templates or creating your own. The route template must include the following elements and be valid JSON: Name, Rank, Record Types, and Levels. The template can also include a Constraints section, if needed.

    Example Route Template
        "Name": "Dry Run qTest Test Case Approval",
        "Rank": "1",
        "Record Types": [ "qTest Test Case" ],
        "Levels": [
                "Name": "Level 1",
                "Approvers": [ "Digital Tester Reviewer" ]
        "Constraints": [
                "Type": "Field Is One Of",
                "Name": "Project Name for Approval",
                "Values": ["Project Name"]						
                "Type": "Field Is One Of",
                "Name": "Test Level",
                "Values": ["Dry Run"]
    1. Name: Can be any string. This will be displayed in the Approval Route field in the target system and in Vera.
    2. Rank: Any integer from 1 to 9999. This is used to determine which route template to choose if a record matches more than one. The lower the number, the higher the rank (1 = highest).
    3. Record Types: A list of valid record types. These must match the record types defined in the Records Management Policy file.
    4. Levels: A list of approval levels. Each level consists of a name and a list of approvers. The approvers must be from the list of approval groups defined above in the Approval Groups element at the top of the file.
    5. Constraints: An optional element where constraints are defined that help match records with the appropriate route template. A list of commonly used constraints can be found at Vera Constraints

      Field constraints must match the field labels in qTest or Jira exactly and should be defined in the Records Management Policy.

Update an Approval Route in Vera

If the admin is replacing/renaming an Approval Group that has open Approval Tasks, please complete all Approval Tasks (approve/reject) for the Approval Group prior to making any changes. New Approval Groups will need to have users reassigned into that group for each domain where applicable.

  1. See Managing Policy Files to access the Approval Policy file that needs to be updated.
  2. Edit the file and find the Approval Groups element near the top of the file
    1. Add the new Approval Group
    2. Optional: If replacing an Approval Group, remove the Approval Group that the new one is intending to replace.
  3. In the Route Templates section, locate the Approval Task where the new group will be added
    1. Add the new Approval Group
    2. If replacing an Approval Group, update the Approval Task with the new group and remove the old one
  4. Upload the policy file to the Policy Management page either as a new approval policy or as a revision to an existing one.

  5. Vera will read the policy file and the approval roles will be available for assigning to users in the Vera Administration portal.
    1. To add users to the new Approval Role(s), see Assign Users to a Domain Role.

Only records that are routed for approval after this change will see the new Approval Group. Records that were routed for approval before this change will not see the new Approval Group as an Approval Task.

Approval Policy Template

 Click here for a sample Approval Policy Template.

Deploy the Approval Policy

See Managing Policy Files

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