Create Domain

Domains are an important part of Vera setup and configuration as Vera will segment data and filter the approval queue based on the user approval role, user domain membership, and project domain association. Each domain will have projects assigned, domain users with roles, and its set of policies being used for approval and record management.

You create domains in the Domain Management Module.

To create a Tutorial Domain

  1. Open and log in to the VERA Administration site

  2. Display the Domain Management module

    1. On the VERA sidebar, select Domain Management

  3. Create domain:

    1. Click +Create Domain, and the create domain dialog box opens

    2. In the Domain Name box, type: Tutorial

    3. In the Description box, type: This is a Tutorial Domain

    4. In the Domain Owner box, select your username

    5. Click Create Domain

Next we will add the qTest project to the domain in Vera