Vera 2023.3

Software version: Vera 2023.3

Scheduled release date: 30 Oct 2023

This file provides information about Vera 2023.3:

Version Information

High-level Vera Version


Software Build

(Can be verified on the "Versions" screen in the web portal.)

Web Portal: 1935

API Server: 5429


Resolved Issues








Final approval fails when Jira projects are configured with a Signatures field

Improved the Jira Server App to create a new custom read-only field type that can support more than 255 characters. Jira Server customers can now create a Signatures field using the new custom field type to solve the character limit.


The Jira Cloud App was updated to detect if the signatures data is too large and write a simple message in its place to see Vera for more signature information.

VS-1428, VS-1433, VS-3849, VS-3850, VS-3851, VS-4307

Security Enhancement

Improved Product Security


Domains do not display in approval queue if it starts with $

Fixed an issue where the domain name would not be displayed in the approval queue if the domain began with a special character


When last record is deleted from paginated table, user is left on page with no records found

Fixed an issue that wasn’t displaying any row after deleting the single row from the last page. Now the user will be redirected to the first page. This was fixed on the following pages: users, domains, connections, policies and policy sets.


Linked Record Arrow direction does not match expanded or collapsed record

Fixed an issue that was collapsing some linked records when the user clicks to expand their siblings' linked records.


Role members list is not automatically refreshed when a new user is added to a Role

Refresh the role users table after adding new users in the Role Management Page.


Filtering is not working on Domain Management page of a domain administrator.

Fixed an issue where a domain administrator were not able to filter on the Domain Management page.


Error message for non-authorized users asks the user to try again later

Removed 'try again later' from all error messages.


Some special characters don't work in all columns search on Approval Queue page

Users can search with special characters for Regex on the approval queue page.

It was a known issue but we fixed this.


Some special characters don't work in all columns search on User Management page

Fixed an issue where using special characters while filtering on the User Management page would return no results


Optimize calls to get qTest settings

Optimize to get qTest field settings only once per action.


Optimizations and allowances of intermodule calls are ignored

Updated Records and Users modules to restore optimizations for calls from other internal modules.


Prevent Author from approving record if they were added to Vera after the record was routed for approval

Vera searches a match for a Vera user with the author field data to prevent the author from approving records if they were added to Vera after the record was routed for approval.


Pagination in records page does not work after clearing search criteria

Fixed pagination to work after changing the filter on the records page. Included a warning icon indicating that user needs to click Search again to refresh the table with the new filter.


VERA should not allow duplicate approval groups, or those with only spaces

Duplicate, whitespace, empty, null values removed from Approval Groups in Policy. Also white space removed from the beginning/end of approval group values


Defect Link is not present in Vera for qTest records

Fixed an issue where defect link is not present in Vera for qTest records.


Cannot re-route/withdraw approval for a record that has no domain association

Fixed an issue which prevented performing Vera actions (e.g. routing for approval, withdrawing approval route) on records in a project that were not associated to any domain. Vera actions will now work and the project will be associated to the default domain.


Users are not returned to login page after session timeout

Fixed an issue that was not redirecting the user to the login page after the session timeout.


Domain name is displayed under Added Domain Roles when domain assignment fails

If the user is not assigned to any role under a domain during the importing process, we will not show the domain name in "Added Domain Roles".


User Import - Special characters in role name can cause log file to truncate message

Fixed an issue where the User Import results log could show truncated values if the role name contained specific characters (e.g. <, >)


Table filters should refresh when a user logs out

Fixed an issue where filters were not reset after a user logged out


When the final record on a page is removed from the approval queue, the user is left on a page with no records

Fixed an issue that was not moving to the first page after approving or rejecting the last record on the approval queue page.


Change in rows per page sometimes results in a blank page when results should be displayed

Fixed the pagination to move to the last valid page when the user changes the rows per page on the last page.


Remove User Administrator role as an option in Site Administrator

Fixed an issue where User Administrator is listed as a system role option although User Administrator role is not defined in Vera.


Attempt to navigate to next revision results in 500 errors

Fixed an issue causing 500 error when the record was in Draft status with a revision number greater than 1.


Assignment of Domain Viewer, Domain Admin roles fail on user import

Fixed an issue where users could not be imported with the Domain Administrator or Domain Viewer roles unless they were defined in the Approval Policy.


When user import specifies a domain, but no role, Domain Viewer role is not assigned

Fixed an issue where users were not assigned to the Domain Viewer role when no other role was specified.


View Latest Import Results page displays Tx3 Vera Header

Updated the User Import results log to reflect Tricentis company name and Vera product name.


Delete connection does not check to see if xray connection is listed a linked connection

Fixed an issue where a connection could be deleted that was linked to another connection causing a server error.


Deletion of linked connection array contents results in 500 errors

Fixed an issue where 500 errors would be generated if linked connections were deleted.


Reset Button in Policy Page Removes all results

Fixed an issue regarding the reset button that was clearing the results instead of restoring the initial data.


Importing route template with no levels property results in null value

Updated policy importing to prevent the Levels property of a route template from having a null value.


Add users to roles fails for Domain Administrators

Fixed an issue where the domain admin could not set domain roles.


User can see all project names in record search dropdown and can see results from record search (but not record details)

Fixed an issue where users could see projects in the Records Search view that they cannot access.


Password fields showing error after successful password change

Fixed an issue on the profile page where it was displaying an error on some fields after changing the password.


Text overlayed on the attachment on Print View in Google Chrome

Issue solved by the last Chrome's update (Chrome Version 118.0.5993.89)


Web Portal crashes when SAML users attempt to access certain urls with an expired token

Fixed an issue where the Web Portal would crash if an SSO user would attempt to load the Web Portal with an expired token.


System information is missing from Print View and PDF

Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, the System would not display on the Print view.


Long Jira description distorts print view

Fixed an issue that was displaying a scrollbar for long record descriptions.


Embedded SVG images prevents records from being routed for approval

Fixed the embedding of SVG images in fields.

New Features





VS-330, VS-361

Activating/Deactivating Users: Administrators can now active or deactivate user account via the User Management page. See for more information.


Automatic User Locking: The system will now automatically lock users after a configurable number of failed logins. See for more information.

VS-3359, VS-3360

Microservices: Moves Jira Module activities to dedicated microservices to improve performance.

VS-3570, VS-3571, VS-3634, VS-3637, VS-3638, VS-3639, VS-3640, VS-3641, VS-4089, VS-4140

Approval without Signatures: In order to support CSA and mixed GxP/Non-GxP projects, added the ability to have some records not require signatures for approval.

VS-3735, VS-3736, VS-3738, VS-4069

Improved Web Portal response time and performance.

VS-4026, VS-4316

Improved the Web Portal look and feel.

VS-3519, VS-3521, VS-3522, VS-4367, VS-4377

Security Enhancements


Updated Tricentis branding on email notifications.

Docker Image Information

Known Issues and Limitations



Known Issue Details



Known Issue Details


"Pending Tasks" field refreshes too slowly after route withdrawal.

The Pending Tasks field in qTest and Jira is not immediately updated when the record is approved or rejected in VERA.  The cached values are updated when the user invokes a browser refresh.


VERA cannot create a qTest record if two fields in the record have the same name

The VERA-qTest integration does not support importing records from qTest where the record has two fields with the same name.  If such a record is routed for approval from qTest, then an error will occur.


User sees duplicate approval tasks for the same record in approval queue

If an approval route contains two pending tasks for the same role (e.g. two Technical approvals) then an eligible approver will see both tasks in their queue.


Vera does not apply a default approval route

If a record is routed for approval that does not match any configured route templates, the user will see an error message indicating the record was proceed by Vera, but there was no Approval Route configured for the record.

In qTest the Approval Route field is updated with the message: "An error occurred while adding the specified record to the VERA route repository"
In Jira the Vera Panel will display: "Error Code 21 An unexpected error occurred while Vera was processing this record. Please contact an Administrator."


An error is displayed when splitting an issue in the standard VERA Jira workflow

Atlassian’s create issue property prevents the splitting of a record. Combined with inconsistencies around workflow permissions, the error message displayed is currently unable to be addressed.


A misleading error message is displayed when VERA cannot apply a final approval

VERA will display a misleading error message when it fails to transition a Jira issue in the workflow.  The error message displayed to the user will indicate that there is a connectivity problem, even if it's actually a configuration problem. 


Password content can break qTest integration

Using a colon character (":") in the qTest Service Account password causes the qTest integration to fail. The colon character (":") is not supported and should not be used in service account passwords.


User GUID is displayed instead of display name

Custom fields with a user selection dropdown display in the web portal as the user’s ID rather than the user’s name.


MongoDB cannot connect when password is not encoded

MongoDB passwords must be URI encoded for MongoDB specifications. See link for more details: