Route Tosca Test Mandates for Approval

qTest users can route qTest Test Runs linked to Tosca TestEvents / TestMandates for approval.


Route for Approval

Default Role(s)

qTest User

Record Type(s)

qTest Test Run with Test Cycle parent linked to Tosca TestEvent

Starting Workflow State(s)

Draft, Rejected

Ending Workflow State


Process Steps

  1. Create Tosca ExecutionList

  2. Create TestEvent for qTest

  3. Execute Tosca Test

    1. from qTest Launch OR

    2. from Run Tosca Test from TestMandate (under Linked to qTest folder)

  4. Route qTest Test Run for Approval by Test Run or Test Cycle

  5. qTest Test Run is linked to Vera Approval Route

Special Rule(s)

  1. The qTest Test Run will become locked against editing

  2. The Tosca TestEvent, TestMandate and ExeuctionList is not controlled by Vera.

  3. The qTest Test Run can be unlocked with a Cancel Approval action from qTest

  4. The qTest Test Run can be unlocked with Rejection action from Vera

  5. qTest Test Run will not be updated with new executions if the Vera Approval status is Routing or Approved

Routing Tosca Test Runs for Approval requires processing time to get Tosca record from Tosca Commander REST API and write the Test Run to Vera.

Vera stores the qTest Run with qTest ExceutionLogs and Tosca TestMandate ExecutionLogs

  1. Select qTest Test Run with Tosca Test Results and Automation checked

  2. Click Route for Approval button and wait for Vera to process the record

  3. qTest Test Run Vera fields are updated and the VERA Approval Route contains links to approval tasks

Approval Routes are configurable