Create Tests

Tests can be created following the standard steps found in the QC/ALM User Guide.
The system displays the New Test window when the user clicks the <New Test> button from the Test Plan module toolbar.

  1. The system automatically sets the Status field to Draft and the Revision Number to 1.
  2. The user can set the Category, Test Goal, GxP and other attributes, and then click OK to save the test. The user can then check-in the new test when modifications are complete.

Version Control

When a test is created or edited, and the project is enabled for Version Control, the test will be checked out to the editing user. While the test is checked out, no other users can edit or transition the test.

 Before any VERA Action can be applied to a test, it must be checked in (i.e. not checked out by any user).

The system will automatically check out and check in entities when they are transitioned by VERA. An entry in the History → Versions tab will be created for each VERA Action applied to a test.

Figure: Test Version History Entry Example