
A Tosca Repository is a database (or Schema, in Oracle terminology) that stores all Tosca data that has been "Checked In" to the shared repository. Users synchronize their local machines, or "Workspaces", with the central Repository.

An organization can choose to have everything in one Repository. Larger organizations may choose to have each Business Unit use their own Repository. This may speed access, make the system easier to navigate, and prevent one business unit from accidentally updating another business unit's work.

When setting up a Repository for VERA Integration, make changes in these areas:

  • Properties – some Test Case and Execution List fields need to be added
  • Groups – groups with specific permissions need to be defined
  • Accounts – a special admin account needs to be defined
  • Reporting – a Report Template must be installed in the Repository
  • Agents – one or more Agent machines need to be configured to execute formal tests
  • Workspace – for each ALM Project, a Server-Side Tosca Workspace is required


Check out the Project root in the Tosca workspace.

As an Admin, log into a Workspace for the Repository and create the following Properties in the Tosca Repository:

Under Test Case:


Under ExecutionList:

Value: True

Under Project Root:

In support of the Tosca AddOn, add the following properties to the Project element and set to the appropriate ALM values:





Create TestCaseControlFlowFolder and TestCaseControlFlowItem Properties definitions:

  1. With the Project root checked out, create a Component folder
  2. Right click the Component folder, select the ellipse dropdown (“…”)
  3. Select Create Property Definition and name it “TestCaseControlFlowFolder”.  Drag the property to the Properties for the Project root.
  4. Select Create Property Definition again and name it “TestCaseControlFlowItem”.  Drag the property to the Properties for the Project root.

  Under TestStep, XTestStep, TestStepFolder, TestCaseControlFlowFolder and TestCaseControlFlowItem, add the property “IncludeInReport” as follows:

              Value: True    ValueRange: True;False 

Perform a "CheckinAll" operation on the Tosca workspace.

Now, each Test Case and ExecutionList should have those properties available.


Two Group categories enable integration to control Tosca during Approvals:

  1. A "Lock Group" – this is an Admin group used for locking Tosca items
  2. An "Unlock Group" – a group used for unlocking Tosca items

Create a lock group that is an Admin level group that will contain only Admin users, and not contain other users. We recommend naming it something like "VERA Lock" or "ALM Lock". Remember this name as this group name must be set in each VERA project's Synchronization Policy file.

Create an unlock group that includes all users associated with the intended project. Some repositories will have multiple VERA projects. Create an unlock group for each VERA project. That is, if the VERA project is called "Remedy", create a non-admin group called "Remedy" and place all Remedy project users in that group. Remember this group name as it must be set as the "Workflow Unlock" group in the VERA project's Synchronization Policy file.


Two special admin accounts need to be created – one for VERA operations and one for running tests from remote Agent machines.

In Tosca, configure the following users:

  • Service Account/Service PWThis is an Admin Account/PW that can be specified in a VERA project Synchronization Policy file, for the "Service Account" attribute. Create this account for each Tosca Repository. For example, create an Admin user called "VERASync". It is recommended to use Tosca Authentication for this account. When setting up a VERA project's Synchronization Policy file, set "Service Account" to be "VERASync". This account must be allowed to change Group Ownership. Set its password. IMPORTANT: remember this password. It must be encrypted and set in the VERA project's Synchronization Policy file's "Service PW" attribute. See the section about updating a VERA project's Synchronization Policy file.
  • "VERAExecutor"/{PW}This user is technically not part of the integration but, is an administrative convenience for setting up Remote Agent Machines. It is configured on each Remote Tosca Agent as the user to run tests, requested by Tosca's Distributed Execution Server (DEX). The Integration sends execution requests to the DEX server. This user should be a member of a group that has Admin level privileges, to run ExecutionLists owned by any group. Its PW value is arbitrary, but should be stored in a safe place, after setting it. Use the name "VERAExecutor" or something similar to indicate that it's a special account for remote execution.

Report Template

The Integration requires a report template to be installed in the Repository, named "ToscaIntegrationReport'. Make sure the Template's PrintOutputFormat setting is "AskUser".

NOTE: there must be one and only one report template by this name in the Repository. Otherwise, unexpected behavior occurs when the Integration attempts to produce a Run report.

This template is used to produce all Run reports after each Test Set execution from VERA. The report is attached as a PDF to the Test Set.

See the Tosca documentation for how to produce a Report Template or import one provided.

Make sure that a printer is active on the Tosca Server machine in Control Panel – Hardware - View Devices and Printers. If no printer is enabled, search for “Troubleshooting”. Select “Hardware and Sound” then select “Printer”.