
All interaction with Tosca occurs through Tosca Commander. Tosca Commander operates on entities known as Workspaces. The only way to work on items is to open a Workspace in Commander.

The integration communicates with Tosca via Tosca's REST API. The Tosca Server listens for REST requests and, essentially, forwards those requests to Commander – but, as just described, it must do so by opening a workspace. Since the listening REST service runs on the Tosca Server, we must define Workspaces on the server that Tosca can open.

Therefore, the integration requires that, for each VERA project defined, there must be a corresponding Workspace defined on the server. The name of the workspace that a VERA project uses is defined its Synchronization Policy file.

Decide on a name for the Workspace file. It is recommended that it be of the form ALM "Domain_Project", so that they are easily recognizable/identifiable on the server. For example, if the VERA project is to be called "Remedy" in the "Technology" domain, create a Workspace called "Technology_Remedy".

Remember this name, as this name must be specified in the VERA project's Synchronization Policy file. See the section below on updating the Synchronization Policy file.

Create a Tosca Workspace on the Tosca Server

On the Tosca server, start Tosca Commander. If remoting to the server, start Commander "as Administrator".

Follow Tosca instructions to create a new workspace that points to the correct Tosca Repository. This workspace is used when the ALM project that is configured for it, communicates with Tosca.

Use the newly created workspace name in the project's Synchronization Policy file.  See ALM VERA Environment for more information.