Assign Projects to a Domain

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Sign into the VERA web portal as a user with administrative access.
  2.  Select VERA Administration from the User Dropdown Menu.
  3.  If prompted, confirm your credentials by entering your password and then click "Confirm".

  4.  Navigate to the Domain Management section.
  5.  From the Domain Management page, click on the domain name that you'd like to edit the projectsfor.
  6.  A new tab will open with the details page for the selected domain. To add a project, select the "Add Projects" button.
  7.  You will be prompted to add your desired project. The location dropdown menu will contain a list of system names defined in the Locations section of the Synchronization Policy. Be sure to choose the correct location that corresponds with your project.
  8.  Enter in the name(s) of the project that you would like to add to the domain. If you would like to add multiple projects, enter each project name/ID using a comma as a separator.

    1. For Jira systems, this value is the project key.

    2. For qTest systems, you will need the numeric project ID.

      A project may only be added to one domain. You will be prompted with an error message if you attempt to add a project to a new domain if it is still listed under a different domain.

  9.  Once finished, click the "Add Projects" button and the Domains Project table will update with your newly added domains.