Assign Users to a Domain

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Sign into the VERA web portal as a user with administrative access.
  2.  Select VERA Administration from the User Dropdown Menu.
  3.  If prompted, confirm your credentials by entering your password and then click "Confirm".

  4.  Navigate to the Domain Management section.
  5.  From the Domain Management page, click on the domain name that you'd like to edit the users for.
  6. A new tab will open with the details page for the selected domain. Select the "User Management" tab located in the upper left corner of the page.
  7.  Select one or more users and add/remove them from the domain using the left and right arrow buttons. Users in the left column are members of the domain, while users in the right column are users available to add to the domain.
  8.  Once you are finished adding/removing users from the domain, select the "Save" option to confirm your desired changes. If successful, you will see message below.
  9.  When you return to the domain details page, the list of users in the Domain Users table will be updated with your changes.