Update Parameters for Configurations & Agents

In order to run remote tests (technically, "Test Events") on specific machines, use Tosca "Configurations". Tosca comes with a set of default parameters, and via a common ConfigurationParameters file, others can be added, depending on project needs. Once you update the ConfigurationParameters file with additional parameters, those parameters and values, are available on all Agent machines and all Workspaces.

Once parameters are available, the User process is to create a configuration and set appropriate parameter values. Then, on target Agent machines, set those same parameters to match the values in the Configuration. When Tosca executes a Test Event, it attempts to find an Agent machine with matching parameters/values.

This Tosca activity is not required for the Integration. If no Configuration is included in a Tosca Test Event, Tosca will run a Test Event on ANY available

See the installation guide for details on setting up parameters and values on the Tosca Server.