Revise Test Sets

Test Set Designers can make a new revision of a test set by transitioning back to Draft. This action requires a transition reason and will increment the Revision Number field. This action is primarily intended for GxP test sets, as that will be the only way to make modifications to the test set after pre-execution approvals are complete. However, this action can also be used on non-GxP test sets, if desired.

Reference Workflow Transitions for more information about transitioning workflow states in VERA.

Action Menu Button

Default Role(s)

Test Set Designer

Record Type(s)

Test Sets

Starting Workflow State(s)

Ready for Execution, Complete

Ending Workflow State


Special Rule(s)

  1. A transition reason is required.
  2. The Revision Reason field will be updated with the new revision information (including reason). The previous entry will be overwritten.
  3. The Revision Number field will increment by 1.
  4. For GxP test sets:
    1. The Signatures field will be cleared.
    2. The route information in the Approval Route field will reset to Not Started.
  5. The test set will become unlocked for editing.
  6. Tests can be added to the test set.
  7. Tests can be removed from the test set if the test was not executed.
  8. Testers will be unable to create new test executions.