WP 1.6.2

Software version: WP 1.6.2

Publication date: 18 NOV 2020

This file provides information about the VERA Web Portal

  • Resolved Issues
  • New Features
  • Docker Image Information
  • Known Issues and Limitations

Resolved Issues

VS-297Issue supporting TLS/SSL connection to MongoDB (w/ Server Validation)

An issue existed in which the Web Portal could not connect to MongoDB when the Mongo server enforces TLS/SSL.  The issue was resolved by introducing a new configuration parameter (VERA_WEB_MONGO_ARGS) that can be used to specify query string arguments that will be appended to the MongoDB connection string.  More info:  Supported Environment Variables

VS-628Step execution statuses are not displayed in VERA Web PortalFixed an issue where they Step Status was not being displayed for qTest Run Steps.

Minor Updates


Update Approval Queue with Domain Name, Location ID and Project

Updated the displayed columns in the approval queue to align with domain-driven organization of VERA.


  • 1.6.2
  • win-2016-1.6.2
  • win-2019-1.6.2
  • linux-1.6.2

Known Issues and Limitations

KeySummaryKnown Issue Details
VS-383Tester(s) not included in Execution Log in VERAqTest Tester name is not displayed in VERA web portal.  The VERA Record Management Policy can be updated to include the Tester field in VERA.
VS-447User Administrator role can see Signature Verification Failure Report and Re-verifyA User Administrator can access the Signature Verification reporting section of the Administration Portal.  This feature should be limited to System Administrators.
VS-455SAML users sometimes see an error on log outOccasionally, a user that is authenticated through an external SAML-based IdP may see an error screen after they logout from the VERA Web Portal, instead of being returned to the login screen.  
VS-855Reset Password dialog does not close after an Admin resets a user's passwordThe Reset Password dialog does not close or provide any confirmation after resetting the password. It must be closed by the 'X' or the 'Cancel' buttons.
VS-858Import User modal/page does not display a confirmation when a file is uploadedNo confirmation is displayed following the upload of a user import.